New Powers and A New British Crew

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April 16

When a certain J94 finally awoke, he was shocked to find himself blocked in by flatbeds in a small shed with only a few windows to give him a view of the outside world.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" asked Nico. At first, there was no response. But a few moments later, he heard the sounds of a steam engine outside of the shed. Soon enough, he was pulled out of the shed by a bigger black engine he didn't recognize.

"Seems like you finally woke up, mate," said a voice coming from Nico's left. From his left came a 1400 class GW autotank painted in blue, the same class and color as 1477, 1478, and...Rye. "Where am I? You're not going to kill me are you?" What did you do with the others," asked Nico as he panicked with many questions circulating through his thoughts.

"Woah woah...woah slow down there. None of us are going to hurt you or your acquaintances, you got it?" asked the 1400. "Ok, I guess-

"ATTENTION! Attention! What are you doing here, Joesph!? You should've had him moved to the shed with the others by now! In fact, hours ago, around 15:00, when it is now 18:09!" Yelled another engine who rolled up alongside the 1400. This engine was a B12, painted in a shade of brown with red strips that knew the 1400 as Joesph.

"Oh give it a rest you rotten swine! Me, my sister, Ben, and Stuart have been backed up by all the trucks and coaches we've also needed to shunt! Damn and I thought you were different ever since World War II. Plus, what do you think if one of your shunter friends had to take a quick supply run for some cargo, only to go missing while those furry men attacked last night! Not to mention the fact we already lost the other one from Sodor not even a day after we arrive!" yelled Joesph.

"I understand that Joesph, but you are not to insult your superiors, now, you and Peter will transport him to the shed with the others! Then you shall get back to shunting, and we will talk to them, later," said the B12.

The J94 was certainly confused and intrigued by what they were chatting about. Afterwards, Nico had been pulled out of the siding and soon shunted into a bigger shed, next to a few different engines. On his right were two big engines on separate tracks, each of English design, and one was painted silver while the other was mainly yellow. On his left were two engines he never expected to see again.

Aiden and Diesel 10. The former had a bandage over his eye and looked pretty beaten up, yet not too damaged. The latter was really only looking to be in a bad mood after what had happened to.

"What the heck? What are you two doing here? And Aiden! Thank goodness, I thought you were dead!" said Nico. "He doesn't remember that much, and it makes sense after the damage he endured falling down that hill," said Diesel 10. "So...think the others are coming for us?" asked Nico. "Maybe, and hopefully soon, considering these guys aren't the friendliest we could've been stuck with," said Aiden.

Nico could only hope, though he figured he should stay silent for now.


Hours earlier.....

"State your names."

"Ivan Hill."

"Felix Campbell."

"Good, now we aren't going to hurt you, just tell me everything significant that you boys have seen in the last few weeks. You first Hill."

"I was one of a couple kids that escaped from our parents trying to lead us to get turned into those...animals. We found out one of us had been tracked so they could catch us all, and we escaped and left him behind. After some time, the No. 4 of the North and South Carolina Railway AKA Eric and his crew found us and we set off. A few days after, we tried looking for someone who had ran off, only for us to be caught, except shortly after we were rescued by a green wolf who was the result of "experimentations" as far as we knew, with those that are mainly "off-shooting clones" joining her ever since including ones who go by Eddie, Milo, Roxie, Elijah, and Rosie. Some of us got sent to transfer information at another base which got attacked while we were there while some of the other survivors raided a place owned by a Logan Bartley that kidnapped our friend. Eddie and I almost died and got caught but escaped, though others, like Jenny, her mom, and the No. 3 AKA Brandon weren't so lucky after everything. Soon after I recovered, I was asked to be a part of the crew for the No. 9 AKA Nico who was apart of a few engine delivery, which didn't go smoothly, considering how we ended up here."

ROTWOTA: Book 3 - Resistance, Rebellion, and RevengeWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu