CHAPTER 38: You're Different Now

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||CHAPTER 38: You're Different Now ||






"Stupid alarm, be quiet." I shout, in frustration. As I sit straight on the bed, I took the alarm clock.

It read, 7:00 AM

"Oh god, I'm going to be late!"

'Relax, you start at 8:20 AM, idiot'

Ignoring the inside voice, I sprung from the bed. I strip bare before throwing the unclean clothes into the clothes hamper. When I step into the shower, I twist the hot and knob - changing it until the temperature was perfect. When I felt the warm water hit against me, I mewl in utmost pleasure.

A short while later, whilst I was in the shower, I hear a knock on the bathroom door.

"Yes, who is it?"

"It's me Alex." He said, "I'll be at the school at 3:20 sharp, don't forget."

"I'll remember!"

About an hour later, I was standing in front of the mirror, looking at the girl in front of me.

'I think I need a haircut.' I thought.

Twirling around, I caught a glimpse of a certain photo frame, on the wooden desk. I smile, remembering memories of the night.

It was a picture of Logan and me, with food over us and the kitchen - in the background. On a Saturday night, his father and mother were at dinner. Whereas Belle and Laura, were at a friend's house, thus meaning....

Logan and I were in the house, alone.

It first began with Logan and me baking a cake, to Logan pouring chocolate sauce over me, to me throwing flour over him, to him smearing butter over my chest, to me cracking an egg over his head and about an hour or two later, a fuming Faith walking in on the mess.

I shudder when I remember the furious expression on Faith's face.

'She was furious.' I thought, giggling.

I leave the bedroom, before I walk downstairs to eat breakfast. "Christ, I have about 20 minutes." I said, looking at the clock in the corridor.

The moment I walk into the kitchen, I stop. "You're going to die, brat." I scowl, frowning,

It was the spawn of Satan, Misty. The brat was on the flat surface in the kitchen, next to a white empty plate. Walking towards the kitchen bench, I read the pink note which was next to the plate....

'My baby sister, Bacon and Eggs are for breakfast'

"Well, no breakfast for me." I grumble.

Once I am outside the mansion, I turn around to lock the door.

"Good morning, girl." Said a familiar, deep voice.

"Jesus, Matt." I screech, grimacing - before hitting him in the arm, "You frightened me, idiot."

"You didn't need to hit me." He said, pursing his lips.

I scoff, "You didn't need to scare me." I said in return.

"Whatever, step in the car or we'll be late for school." Matt said, walking in direction of his white wrangler. Pressing the button on the small remote, the car head lights flash, signalling that it was unlocked. "Get in." He instructed, once more.

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