39. Proposal

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"Did he...... did he ever cross the limit?" He asked, "I asked him but I want to confirm with you."

Meera looked at the man, at her protector. She knew there was no need to hide anything when he already knew the story "If it's about my body, then no! Maybe my instinct or the blessings of God, but I was always safe from him somehow, and he could never get his way with me. But if it's about the limits on my mind, on my life, on my emotional state then maybe YES!! He left a permanent imprint on my mind that I question every man's intention when they treat me nicely. I notice their gaze. I don't trust them easily. I always have that feeling somewhere they can turn 180 someday and hurt me."

Aashrit just pulled her close and hugged her "I am sorry I couldn't protect you earlier." He said that his heart was feeling physical pain on hearing her sharing one of the most horrifying experiences of her life.

She looked up from the hug and smiled at him "Thank you. Thank you for pulling me out of that never-ending loop and making me believe that not all men are the same."

She put her hand on his face pulled herself upward and smiled "Thank you for protecting me."

Aashrit just looked at her and gave a chasty kiss on her cheeks "Your husband is always with you no matter what the situation is. For me you are important. I will trust you over a thousand people out there." He said pulling her over him completely.

"How did you know about this? And If you knew it why didn't you confront him in front of everyone" She said while looking up from his chest.

None of them realized their position. Aashrit was lying straight on the bed while Meera was completely lying over him. Her legs were over his, her breast touching his stomach and her face over his chest while his one hand encircled her waist. Although they both did not realize their position they both were suddenly feeling comfort.

Aashrit held her cheeks in his palm " When you got late, I went to search for you and there I saw you wriggling in his arms. I saw your shivering hands." He said and his hand formed into a fist "But I knew if I confronted him right there and then, it wouldn't do anything good. I saw how much your family trusted him. I won't have any proof against him and I didn't want you to have bad blood with your family but now if I thought about that I should have killed him right there and then. But that would be easy for him, I wanted him to die every day and night. I only let him go that night to have last good sleep as I planned to destroy his life fully. And later I just couldn't gather the courage to say something to you. I thought you needed time." He said with his jaws clenched.

Meera looked at his red eyes in anger and clenched jaws. She put her palm over his cheek and kissed the other one. Aashrit's words stuck in his throat on feeling her lips on his cheeks. His clenched jaw relaxed and replaced with a red neck with blush. Her lips were soft, so soft for him that he wanted them to stay on his cheek for more than a moment.

" And Mahesh. Why you did do that with him?" She asked.

Aashrit looked at her with wide eyes while she gave him a sly smile

"I might have peeked in your phone." She said in a small voice.

"I didn't like the way he looked at you, and his childish girlfriend talked to you." He said with anger in his eyes remembering the way he raked his eyes over Meera's body.

"Don't get angry. I fear angry people. They scare me." She said putting her hand around his neck and her head on his chest.

Aashrit took a deep breath and caressed her cheeks "I can't see it. I can't see someone hurting you. I can't even think about you having tears in your eyes. It physically pains me to see you in pain. I never felt that and I never want to." He looked up at the ceiling while Meera looked at him "At first I was confused about all this but now I know, I realized what all of it is?" He finally looked at her and saw a scared and nervous expression on her face. H gave her a small smile.

"Aash......" Meera tried to say but he stopped her by putting his fingers on her lips.

"Let me share this, please. If I didn't say it today, I wouldn't have the same courage again." He said and Meeera's heart suddenly stopped.

While Aashrit's heart was beating fast, it was so loud and fast that Meera could feel it and her face being near his heart was not helping much either.

"I don't expect the same from you Meera. Don't feel pressured because of what I am going to say. Just keep in mind that I will wait for you. If it means waiting my whole life then my whole lie. I'll wait till my last breath and you would never have to feel pressure just because I expressed my feelings." He said and looked at her shivering hands.

He took her hand and lightly kissed it " I Love You, Meera." He said and Meera's heart topped but he continued "I don't want you to reciprocate the feelings until you feel safe to do so but I want to let you know that you are everything to me. I never had these feelings for anyone. Before you entered my life, the only thing that mattered to me was Power and Business but now only you matter. Your tear pains me, Your smile makes my day better and your voice calms my raging mood. I didn't want to accept those feelings before because I thought I would lag behind, only weak people fall in love. But now I finally understand that Love doesn't lag you behind instead it polishes your personality, it gives you a new direction in your life, it teaches you to die for someone or kill for someone. Love gives you motivation in life more than revenge ever could and I experienced that."

He said and looked at her wide eyes " Don't take any burden on your head bachcha. Your husband will never force you for something you are not comfortable in." he said kissing her forehead "Now go to sleep." He said hugging her to his chest but the sleep was far from her eyes now.

Aashrit was caressing her head when she spoke "There are so many things you don't know about me. And I am afraid that you won't love me once you know everything. I am afraid that your perception will change for me."

"It will never happen and I'll wait for you to open up with me and share your every deep trauma with me."

"You will get bored of me. Or you might get tired of my actions soon. Or the worst you might find someone beautiful." She said the words unknowingly

Aashrit felt a sting in his heart listening to her. Although he was angry listening to her, he knew it was her trauma speaking. And he was ready to give her any comfort she needed.

"Then take your time. Take your time to test me and I'll take my time to make you fall for me." He said caressing her head and silence prevailed them.

Meera's mind filled with thoughts. Her mind was telling her not to trust this situation but her heart was running in a different direction. She knew she had a crush on him but wasn't the love a bigger thing? Would he love her even after knowing how broken she is from the inside or he will leave her after realizing he deserves someone better? Was she ready to give Love another chance in her life?


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