Chapter 8: Bloodsuckers

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Rowena watched as Banks, the vampire king, stood over her body, a serious expression of concentration on his face

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Rowena watched as Banks, the vampire king, stood over her body, a serious expression of concentration on his face.
In complete contrast, his wife Poppy looked as though she wanted to vomit.

"Don't throw up on me," Rowena warned Poppy, who couldn't hear her. She had kicked Selig and flipping the lights but eventually her ability to do so stopped.

Rowena growled in frustration. No one could hear her and she couldn't convey her feelings with flickering lights and kicks to the shin. Being on the brink of death definitely took the fun out of being invisible.

"Do you know why you're here?" Cross asked the handsome vampire.

Banks lifted a finely manicured brow. "Are you sure you want me to do this? I can't undo it once it's been done."

"Can someone please explain what's going on?" Rowena shouted flapping her arms in the air. "Like, helloooo, I'm dying! This is not the time to have a paranormal party I can't enjoy!"

"What if this is a mistake?" Liam asked. "Cross, you can't mate a vampire."

Rowena stuttered mid-rant. "Vampire?"

Her eyes narrowed as she glared at Cross. "Please tell me I'm wrong and you're not making a life-changing decision on my behalf while I'm invisible and almost dying? Tell me I'm wrong, Cross!"

"I want her to live but taking the choice from her isn't right," Poppy said.

"As a leader, you sometimes have to make difficult decisions, darling," Banks explained. "Rest assured, I'd do anything to keep you alive."

"Even if it was something I was against?" Poppy asked.

"I love you, my queen. If I made a choice for you, I'd simply seek forgiveness later before asking for permission. I must admit, I do look forward to watching the wolf grovel in the future."

Poppy scowled at her husband. "That's not as romantic as you think it is. You're talking about turning Rowena into a vampire without her permission!"

"You want to turn me into a vampire?" Rowena screeched.

"Rowena," Abby cried out. "If you don't want us to do this, will you give us a sign?"

Rowena howled in frustration, attempting to flip the light switch without success. "Why did you stop working for me?"

Abby looked around the room, her brows rising. "I don't see anything happening. Does that mean she agrees?"

"It seems so," Selig said cautiously.

"There will be no groveling!" Cross said pointedly at Banks. "Rowena is my future mate. Once she's a vampire, I'll find a witch or someone to turn her back. I just need time."

"You cannot undo what I'm about to do, wolf," Banks warned. "Once Rowena is turned, she will become part of my coven."

"No!" Multiple voices shouted at once.

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