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Song: Hold My Hand- Lady Gaga 

Eight months later... 

"Man, it feels good to be back here without having to rally the troops," Uncle Tobias stretches as he steps out of the vehicle and breathes in a big gulp of air. I step out behind him, closing my eyes and letting the cool summer breeze ruffle through my hair. There's a sense of freedom in the atmosphere, one that has been absent for far too long. 

"We still need to be on guard. Just because Demetrius is gone doesn't mean there aren't enemies lurking out there." 

"Lighten up, Theo," Mom wraps her arm around his shoulder and smiles up at him. "You don't always have to be in leader mode. For once, let yourself actually have a vacation." 

Dad scoffs. "Vacations are for weaklings." 

Mom presses a kiss to his cheek. "What if I told you there's a peach cobbler waiting for you in the kitchen?" 

Dad's eyes lights up as he grins at mom. "You're so right, princess. We do deserve a vacation." 

Mom and dad run into the summer cottage like two kids sneaking a cookie from a cookie jar. I watch them, shaking my head, but even I can't deny how good it feels to finally be free from running. It's the first time in my life I'm not having to look over my shoulder or worry about what tomorrow will bring. I can just be. 

Cleo groans as she stretches her arms far above her head, stumbling out of the car behind me. "Where is that husky man of yours again?" 

"Had some meetings with other pack leaders. Dad has us both scheduled for those since we're leaders in training now." 

"Oh? It's really formal like that?" 

"Maybe for dad it was, but he's always been all business anyway," I shoot Cleo a sly grin. "Hunter said he just goes and 'throws back a few drinks with the boys' like back in the day, or whatever men do when they want to seem cool." 

Cleo raises a brow. "I imagine there's some female leaders too. How do you feel about that?" 

I smile. "I know he's mine and so do they. It's the same when I meet with the men leaders. But it's also a lot different from when I was younger and had competition." 

"Oh, sweet Lassie. Haven't you learned anything?" Cleo pats my shoulder as we start walking toward the cottage. "There was never any competition. There was just you." 

I blush at the thought. "So I've been told." 

We step into the entryway of the house, the cool summer breeze flowing throughout the open floors of the cottage. Mom had managed to open all the windows in between the time of grabbing some cobbler and Cleo and I coming inside. The smell of fresh peach cobbler wafted through the house from the kitchen, and Cleo and I groaned at the same time. She started moving toward the kitchen. "I have to have some of that delectable cobbler. You coming too?" 

"I'm going to stop by my room real quick, then I'll be out." 

"Sounds good," Cleo paused before she stepped into the archway leading to the kitchen. She wiggled her eyebrows at me and leaned closer, her voice a hush whisper. "By the way, keep in mind the walls are thin in this place. No sneaky business later tonight when Hunter gets here." 

I grabbed a pillow from the coach and wired it at her. She busted out laughing and dashed into the kitchen before it could hit her. My cheeks burned her comment, but I smiled too, relishing in how good it felt to have all the people I love here with me, and also knowing that I finally have the love of my life in my life in the way I always wanted him to be. I never thought I'd live to see the day where I had the world in my hands with no chance of it being snatched away from me in the blink of an eye. 

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