Grandparents Pt.2

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Natalia pov:

My "Grandparents" arrive and right now I'm pretty aggravated.

As I go downstairs I see Grandma Sharon and Grandpa John but I call them Ms. Sharon and Mr.John.

As I walk past them and go help set up Ms. Sharon says "Well hello and a hug would be nice." 

"She doesn't have to if she doesn't want to." Lucas says standing up for me.

"Well that's just utterly rude." Ms.Sharon says annoyed

With that Ms.Sharon scoffs and sits down at the table.

"So Noah when we're you going to tell us Natalia birthday was coming up." Mr. John said annoyed

"Well You never really asked and as her grandparents you should also remember." Noah said with a cold tone. He usually uses it  when he doesn't like something or someone.

"Well how are we supposed to remember when there are 13 of ya." Ms.Sharon said rolling her eyes

"Well it's just Natalia being the only girl in the family and it's not hard." Ryan said giving them a look that screamed are you done talking.

"Well we didn't have to miss her birthday party she turned 14." Mr. John said with a scoff

"I didn't have a birthday party and also I'm 15." I say irritated

"Well 14- 15 it doesn't matter you still should of let us come over, we miss you." Ms. Sharon say making Cole snicker a little at them lying.

"You miss me? If you did where have you been?" I asked giving a look that said I don't want you in my sight.

"Well that's the problem hun your brothers  never let us see you." Ms. Sharon says in an innocent voice

"Now why are you telling Nat lies?" Matthew asked 

"We are not it's the truth." Mr.John said 

"Why should my brothers let me see you? Why can't you see us?" I say raising and eyebrow 

"Uh teach this little girl some respect what she said was beyond rude." Ms.Sharon complained 

"She didn't say anything wrong, what so ever" Adam said giving a are you serious look.

"Of course she didn't, you didn't raise this girl right!" Mr. John exclaimed 

"Yes we did. We raised her right and appropriately" Noah said in a serious manner 

"Are you kidding me do you, hear how disrespectful this girl sounds?" Ms.Sharon said 

"No she sound perfectly fine all she did was ask a question." Ryan says 

"She would of been better off and happier if she lived with us." Mr.John mumble under her breath. As now everyone is staring at me.

"Seriously? You think I would of been better off and happier? Are you really that cruel? Because last time I checked you don't know how old I am, you don't know when I was born, you don't know my favorite color, you don't know what I like to do, You don't even know me and Geez you don't even know my middle name" I said obviously annoyed 

"Of course we know your middle name and when you were born." Ms.Sharon says 

"Then what is it?" I say politely 

"It's Rebecca obviously and August  19". Ms. Sharon says as Leo and Theo, Henry and Cole snicker 

"What's so funny?"Mr.John says annoyed that Leo and Theo an Henry and Cole are laughing.

"What's funny? Seriously... My middle name is Rosebel and I was born August 21. Like I said you don't know me yet you want custody as If I'm a doll you want to pass around. What makes you think I would want to go with you guys and be away from my 12 brothers." I say very annoyed

With that Lucas patted my leg which means calm down a bit.

"Because we love you and they don't also because we will raise you better."Mr.John said almost making me choke on my water

"That is so not true." Marcus said now irritated 

"Are you kidding me? Why do you keep saying this things and putting these horrible fake stuff in this pretty girls head." Caleb said 

"Because it's true, why do you guys go so easy on her? She killed Matteo (our dad)." Ms. Sharon said

"Omg! That is so not true, why are you saying stuff like that." Adam

"She did not kill dad, it was the pilots fault not hers, don't ever blame her." Noah said in a cold tone.

"Don't believe that" Lucas said looking at me with concern 

"Look...If you just came here to talk about custody and them not raising me right and me "killing dad" , then in all respect.....why are you here? The fact of it is, no matter what I do your going to find a way to blame me for everything, no matter what my brothers do your going to say they didn't raise me right. What's the point of you coming If every time your going to try and break me down. Like last time you said "I was eating to much" and the time before that you said that I "never listen and I won't do anything in life" and "now look I killed my dad". Trust me I wish they were alive but there not and you can't blame me for that. I was a kid." I say as you can hear the hurt in my voice.

"Your just making up stuff, "Ms.Sharon says rolling her eye.

"No I'm not your just not listening Ms.Sharon." I say coldly 

"Excuse me? What did you call me?" Ms.Sharon say standing up 

"I call you your name. In all respect I don't give titles to people. You earn it. So I'm not going to call you grandma If you were not even here half my life." I say you can tell I was hurt but I masked it 

"come on John let's go." Ms.Sharon says as they got up, got their things and left.

"Nat you okay?" Lucas asked as he placed a hand on my leg to stop it from bouncing.

"Yea I'm okay...I honestly don't want to see them again." I say as my adhd is acting up and I'm staring at the water in my glass.

"Nat look at me." Noah says gently 

As I look Noah says "Nothing they said was true you know that right?"

"Yea I know." I say giving a slight tired smile. I was tired

"You look tired." Theo says 

"I am...that whole conversation did not help". I say giving a slight smile.

"You can go take a nap then." Ryan say as he was already up and kisses my forehead As I go upstairs. It like 1pm. 

What going to happen now? When should I tell Nico?

The next chapter will is recommended 💕. Thanks to the people who read this far.

My 12 Older brothersحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن