Chapter Seven: Jealousy and Childern

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It has been a few months since I married Viserys, and I was huge, I suspected that I was carrying more than one child by my size, and my healer suspected the same.
My second eldest, Anar, came to visit and decided to stay with me till his new siblings were born.
He has been to the library in Kingslanding, and the Citadel then removed a lot of Measters that have been killing off Targaryens and Dragons.
He has been spending a lot of time with Alicent and stated clearly that he has a consort by no main wife and that he did not intend to take more. He wanted to be honest with her and informed her that if she wished for him to court her, then she would need to be accepting of it.
Apparently she was thankful that he wouldn't take anymore and would like to meet his consort, we told her that she was a political arrangement and would not even sleep with Anar but from look on her face she was thrilled.
Her father was even more so when I said she would be a princess.
I think he was hoping I would chose Anar to be Emperor after me but Anar did not want it and I would not force him to be, I think just being his wife and he would love her and keep her safe even from her father if needed.

Daemon was not happy about the marriage in the slightest and wanted to marry me as well but I stated that he was married before he empire came to be and the laws of Westeros before it would become part of the empire still stands in this case.
He would need to divorce or be a widow, I know I should not put the ideas into his head, but he is my twin, and I am slightly possessive.

I had met many of the lords of Westeros over these months as they wanted to meet the Empress of the Ialyrian Empire and Queen of the Seven kingdoms.

Many of the lords we taught the customs of my Empire, and some put their sons in front of me to be considered for me or my daughters.
I noticed Gwayne Hightower, one of those, but my eldest daughter at one and six arrived with her sworn shield the day before.
As non royals were only allowed, three partners wife/husband and two consorts and royals were allowed six in their, but as Empress, i had no limit, but I must sleep with them at least once.
I was surprised when she chose Gwayne Hightower, a Lannister and a Stark, but they all looked the part, but if they failed in their duties, they would be unfavourable.

She was excited for more siblings because it seems all my eldest childern did not want to Empress or Emperor as they liked the land they managed now and working together but they understood that a dragon needed a head so they waited for the right sibling.

Viserys dotted on me every chance he got, and I relished in it.
Rheanrya hardly spoke to me when I married her father, I knew she was hoping for a girl or for us to die, but that would not happen.
She seemd to have taken a liking to one of my Valyrian guards and he did her, when he came to me for permission to lay wih her I agreed as he was almost total Valyrian stock and a great warrior and general. I said that if she fell with a child, I would give him lands to watch over and elevate him to the prince, which he got on one knee and thanked me for.
I was visited often by Otto, I could he didn't know if he wanted to kill me or fuck me or maybe both.

At Bout eight months along, I was in the  gardens with Daemon talking about my next conquest west and if he wanted to take charge of the expedition which he was thrilled to do at a later date as he wanted to stay with me for now which I accepted and said I would send others for now to investigate.
It was during his that I felt water at my feet and looked down then looked at Daemon.

"My water just broke"

He seemed to be stunned silent for a moment but I turned to one of my ladies and they started barking orders and helping me to my rooms before Daemon picked me up and carried me to the birthing rooms I set up, just before he set me down his whispered.

"My child will be in your womb next sister"

He said this in my ear so only I could hear and it sent a thrill through me before I just nodded and he laid me down then helped me get the main dress off before when left the room.

It was a few hours before I was joined by Viserys.

"My love, I am here. They wouldn't let me in but I had enough and wanted to be here."


I waved my hand for his and gripped it tightly before another contraction came on.

"I see the head, your Majesty."

On the next contraction, I pushed, and the babe was out.

"A son, my empress."

Viserys started laughing then and kissed my head, thanking me over and over again, but then I gripped his hand as another contraction hit me, and the healers quickly got back to work.

"Another babe."

Viserys looked so shocked by the news that his sister was giving him another child.
I screamed again before another wail entered the room and the pressure was gone.

"Another boy."

Viser was crying again, but in joy, an heir and a spare in one go and his sister did that for him.
He could rest easier now that he had two sons from the wife he was always meant to have had. Visery left the room after making sure his Visenya was well and sleeping with their sons.
Sons what a word that Visery did not think he would ever say, he walked to the council meeting with them all waiting with baited breath.
He kept a stoic face and then smiled at the council making them all relieved.

"I have two sons"

They were all surprised and started to congratulate Visery on the birth of his heir and spare then asking how his wife was doing.

"She is strong and resting."

They all nodded at that as she had done what Aemma failed to do but they understood it was the way of things.

"Now gentlemen, I will be spending time with my sons and we will have a tournament to celebrate their birth, my wife will provide the funding Lord Beesbury."

The lord in question relaxed at that and was thankful for this expedenture.

"Your queen's other children of my wife will be coming to visit in a fortnight to meet their new siblings, so we must prepare for their arrival."

They had them all thinking, especially Lord Corlys, as he wanted to introduce them to my children and maybe agree a match for them.
Visery left after that to spend some time with his wife. He could tell his brother was getting fustrated and not brought to be with their sister. Visery kept Daemon marriage going to not offend House Royce and to have a bit more time with Visenya on his own. He was getting better and started to practice with the sword again. He would fight for his place as her Emperor and prove to all that he could rule and that his kindness was not to be taken for granted.
He would plant as many children as he could in his sister, and with two of her consorts visiting, he had to work out the competition, but he would win make no mistake about that.

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