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The Green Lotus Peasant Girl
Chapters List
Chapter 13: Fish Fry

The person lying injured on the ground finally noticed their presence and looked up at them with a bruised, swollen and blood-stained face. Zhao Wanwan screamed and took a few steps back.

Li Qinghe then recognized the person in front of her. It really was Xu Changjie. In her last life, the two of them had shared the same bed a few times. She had used the moonlight to see his sleeping face more than once, even if he was bloodstained now she could recognize him. It was indeed Xu Changjie.

"Sister, who is this?" Zhao Wanwan stood a few steps away, looked around, and then moved closer, clutching her arm tightly, "Let’s go home?"

The gloomy young male voice rang out, "Help me... …"

"How do you want us to help you?" Li Qinghe was still calm.

He took a few breaths and said, "Find... a doctor..."

"You're making it difficult for me, I still have things to do." Li Qinghe looked at the sky, "Why don't I go and call the Xu family for you?"

Xu Changjie was silent for a while before he replied, "Many thanks."

So, the sisters turned around and went back to the village. Fortunately, they had not come far, and they walked fast. After a quarter of an hour, the two had arrived at the Xu family house and knocked on the courtyard door. Soon a woman’s voice rang out, "Who is it?"

Mother Xu put on clothes and went out. The sky was still dark. She vaguely saw two slender girls standing at the door, "So early, what's the matter?"

Li Qinghe said immediately, "Auntie, just now my sister and I saw someone outside the village who was injured and couldn't get up, ongoing closer to take a look I found out that the person was Young Master Xu, so you should hurry and help him."

After speaking, she turned around and left. Mother Xu quickly opened the courtyard door, "Qinghe? What did you say? Say it again!"

Li Qinghe turned around and said seriously, "Young Master Xu is injured, just outside the village in the ravine, he asked me to come back to call you. We sisters were supposed to go to town to help with some work, so if we delay any longer, we will be late, so we will go first."

The Xu family moved fast, in the time it took her to say those few words, father Xu had put on his clothes and went out to urge Mother Xu, "Hurry up."

The couple ran, even faster than Li Qinghe and they soon disappeared at the entrance of the village.

The two sisters had gotten delayed by half an hour, so they also walked faster. When they reached the ravine again, they found that Xu Changjie was no longer there, and father Xu was swiftly carrying him to town a little further ahead.

Not far on the way to town, the two sisters quickly went to the bun store. The bun store aunt was still selling steamed buns, and on seeing those two, smiling she said, "I thought you guys were not coming."

"Something delayed us." Li Qinghe stepped forward, "Do you not need helpers anymore?"

The elder aunt was surprised, and quickly reacted, "No, the Sun family is waiting, I will take you there."

To the east street of the fallen moon town, ordinary people hardly came. Zhao Wanwan held her arm nervously along the way. The aunt led them quickly to the back door of Sun house, and then the servants there took them to the big kitchen.

At this time the sky was just getting bright, and the big kitchen was already busy. Seeing the three of them, a fat steward in his forties asked, "What's going on?"

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