Chapter 51: A Reunion with Song Jing

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Chapter 51: A Reunion with Song Jing

Nanyi had another restful sleep within Heyushen's arms. By the time he woke up close to noon, the man beside him was still deep in slumber.

Usually appearing so fierce, even his resting face seemed grumpy.

Gazing at those long, curled lashes, a thought crossed Nanyi's mind, prompting him to touch them.

The lashes fluttered momentarily, making him quickly retract his hand.

Eyes that were just closed sprang open, and for a moment, Nanyi didn't know where to place his just withdrawn hand.

In those indifferent eyes that seemed to shimmer like stars, Heyushen's hand that was around Nanyi's waist tightened. "How long have I slept?"

Nanyi fetched his phone from beneath the pillow. Heyushen glanced at it; the screen displayed 11:34.

He sat up and reached for his own phone.

As the man embracing him suddenly sat up, Nanyi's eyes lingered on his abs, and he inadvertently leaned in closer.

"Bring in the food."


The hand of Heyushen that wasn't holding the phone gently caressed Nanyi's head.

It felt like petting a puppy, Nanyi thought.

"Yunluo wants to visit the old mansion? Let him. Have Xiao Wang drive him there."

Shortly after Heyushen ended the call, the maid brought in their meals to the room.

Nanyi was taken aback. Wasn't it the butler who came yesterday?

But that didn't matter. What did was that he had only a bowl of rice porridge and egg custard, while Heyushen had a spread of four to five dishes, including meat, vegetables, and soup.

Nanyi's appetite waned, his eyes darting occasionally to the dishes in front of Heyushen.

"You can't eat much so soon after surgery. Bear with it for a bit."

Heyushen continued eating without pause. Feeling a bit awkward, Nanyi lowered his head and slowly savored his egg custard.

His throat still hurt, so he ate very slowly.

After finishing his meal, Heyushen took out his phone and waited quietly for Nanyi to set down his spoon.

Nanyi needed to be observed in the hospital for a week. After their meal, his primary doctor came to check on him.

In the afternoon, Nanyi continued to catch up on a TV series he'd missed while Heyushen worked quietly in the room.

Nanyi cherished moments like these.

However, the peace didn't last long. By evening, Heyushen received a call and hurriedly left. Nanyi had dinner alone.

The meal was brought to Nanyi by the maid.

When it was just the two of them, Nanyi asked why the butler hadn't delivered the meal.

"There are guests at the house. With the young master absent, the butler must attend to them."

Nanyi wondered, [Guests? Who could they be?]

"I'm not sure, Mr. Nanyi."

The maid continued with a smile, "But it's a very handsome and gentle alpha."

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