Into the Laboratory

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All of a sudden the ground started shaking and Daniel's vision blurred red. He dropped to the ground and his knee connected with something warm and squishy, not the hard stone he'd expected. He forced his teary eyes open and saw that a strange red organic matter had covered the floor. He gagged in repulsion and hurriedly stood up only to see the entire area was red with those plants, his gaze darted ahead and he saw the stairs which led into the main area also led into a place free of those strange plants. He stumbled forward and a sharp pain darted up his leg, sending shock waves through his body. He started to fall, flailing his arms around to try and steady himself, his right hand connected with another plant and he was able to steady. Suddenly, another jolt of pain shot through his arm and his face contorted with horrified realization. The red plants were hurting him? 

He didn't think twice as he leaped over the mound of fleshy matter in front of his feet, darting up the stairs and doing his best to avoid the plants. In no time at all he was at the top in the open space, he paused for a moment to inspect his throbbing leg and arm. He pulled his sleeve up and saw his arm had a faint cut which was visibly throbbing. As the throbbing died down, however, so did the wound to the point where it was barely visible. He looked at his leg, there was barely enough evidence to even suggest he'd been attacked by a plant. He sighed and comically shook his body, he didn't like the feel the plants left on his skin.

He looked around, content with the familiar surroundings for a little while as he decided where to go next. He decided going straight forward was as good a bet as any. He slowly walked over the dust-covered mosaic floor, taking his time. After all, it seemed like it was the safest place at the moment.

He reached the other side of the room and descended the stairs which led to a narrow T junction. Sighing, he tried to decide which path to take. After a while of going through childish decision-making games and attempting to flip-a-coin with a tinderbox lid, he chose right.

He reached another large, red door with the words "Laboratory" engraved and his shoulders sagged. "Another big door means another section of this castle, and another section means there's probably another monster." As much as he disliked the thought of going in, he still strained his body to open the door. He gingerly stepped inside and the door slammed shut behind him, making him jump.

"Oh God it's dark," He said shakily, hastily lighting his lantern.  Even with the flames soft glow, he couldn't see very far ahead. The light illuminated objects when they were close to his face, he could only hope nothing would jump out at him as he made his way through the stone passage. He emerged on an extremely unsteady looking set of wooden stairs which looked hastily put together, they did nothing for his confidence as he descended them. Every step he took made the wood creak so loudly he could barely hear himself think. 

"I swear, these blasted stairs are so noisy... The sooner I get out of this wretched place the better..." He mumbled as he gratefully stepped off of them onto the dirt ground. He looked around him, to the left was another small corridor with a room just visible beyond it, and to the right was a mound of rocks. He saw a small grey cylinder glint in his lamp light and he darted over to the corner, happily pocketing another tinderbox. He turned around, planning to follow the wall across to the corridor when a strange noise filled the air.

A low, guttural, familiar sound. Daniel froze for only a millisecond before diving head-first in between two large rocks, blowing out his lamp and curling into the fetal position. 

"No no no no no... Not again no no no!" He wailed, covering his head in his hands. After a moment the room fell silent again and all that could be heard was Daniel's heart racing and the odd cockroach hissing.  


Authors note:

Sorry for it being short everyone! I just thought I'd update to show it's back on my priority list :) Also, now's the time to drop a comment below with your thoughts, any criticisms (Since ALL are encouraged!) Seriously, one comment of constructive criticism makes me feel better than five comments on how amazing it was (But let's face it guys, I'm pretty amazing)

Anyway, sorry for intterupting and thank you for reading!

Hope to update soon~


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