Every Beginning Hard.

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My first hours in my new life was a mess. But I suppose it is a given taking the fact that i got just reborn.

Bella was turning all right. She was silent and unmoving but her heart beated like a hammer.

In the living room Jacob imprinted on Renesmee as it was written in the big book. His knees barely touched the ground when Rosalie broke his arm. She didn't take the whole event well. There were a lot of tension. She would have ripped him apart if they didn't hear my first cries from upstairs where Edward supposedly was turning Bella.

Imagine the bigger shock when Remesmee touched Rose's cheek and showed her a picture of me. *I was next to her when everything changed. She got taken away and i was left there. She was worried. She wanted to be next to me again.*

At some point the others had arrived as well. Edward rushed to Carlise with me in his arms. I was still crying helpless as that small amount of venom burned my veins.

"Help! She was in the womb when Bella started to turn. I didn't realize... I didn't know..." He was so desperate and broken. I bet if he could cry he would as well. It seems that everything was slipping through his fingers. First his wife now his child. What should he do?

Carlise took me immediately. Checked my heart, my breathing. It was abnormally fast. My temperature. It was so high. Is this normal? What is normal for a hybrid? Can a hybrid be turned? He wanted to be able to help.

Renesmee made a fuss as she couldn't get to me. She knew something was not right. She wanted to see me. She pressed on Rosalie's cheek again. *i want to be there* she formed her thoughts.

"Edward..." the blonde woman called.

The scene was heartbreaking. Bella was lying frozen while Carlise was trying to save my life at the table. Edward was standing in the corner of the room shaken. He looked up as Rosalie called him. At the sight of Renesmee he relaxed a bit. The only undamaged one from this night. What if she is the only one who is left from his family? What if he loses his wife? His other daughter? The thought made him move and hug Renesmme. Renesmee welcomed the gesture.

Carlise took the morphine. He calculated that it might help press down the pain. Like it did with Bella. The only problem is that the needle didn't penetrate my skin. Another note: a hybrid's skin is as hard as a vampire's. He can't get in any medicine that could help me, calm me. I was lying on that table all eyes on me as I wriggled with screams and tears. I presented a heart-wrenching sight.

I don't want this! I shouldn't be feeling like this! I should be dead! Why can't i be dead?!

Renesmee now touched Edward's cheek. *She wants to lay next to me. To comfort me. Like she used to do in the womb. When a loud noise came, or someone yelled I would get scared and would move or kick. She used to grab me. Remind me that I am not alone and she is with me. She wanted to be with me again.*

Edward looked at her amazed. Even in this nightmarish evening there are miracles. She stepped to us and layed Ren next to me. She grabbed my wriggling hand to hers. She started to 'talk' to me. *She saw mom. She called her beautiful. She found Rosalie pretty. There was Jacob. He was weird. He had pretty eyes too. Rosalie hit him. She didn't know why....* She talked a lot. How could she found that many stuff under that short amount of time?

Evidently it made me sleepy. Her constant pictures numbed the burning in me. Or it was just got lesser in time? I am not sure. All that is clear that evidently my eyelids closed and i slipped into my first baby sleep in my new body. Every vampire in the room breathed in relife. They couldn't know if this means i will be fine or not. But it gave hope. At least it did not hurt anymore.

My cliché life as Renesmee's twinOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora