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                   Reyansh's pov

I was sitting in a chair with a person in front of me kneeling down with his head bowed to me. The man had cuts and wounds all over his body. He was begging for mercy with my favorite emotion in his eyes...fear. But betrayers don't deserve mercy...

I asked in my harsh yet calm tone.. "Whom are you working for?"

"I.... I am ... Sorr.. Sorry.. I promise I won't do it again.." The man shuttered. "Please ... have mercy..."

"Answer" I said in a voice that run down chills through everyone's spine...

"I am tell... telling ... Please.. don't... kill me... Ranvijay Singh... He... offered me.. a lot of ... money..

He could not finish when I shot him in the head. I looked at all my men who were standing there... Neutral. A single expression of fear and I would kill them. I left towards my car where my manager and my best friend Arav was standing there waiting for me.

"Hey broo" He continued, " Did you get any information from that bastard?"
He was the only person who is not afraid of me and would give his own life for my well being.

"Yes" I replied. "Its Ranvijay.."
"That stupid idiot doesn't get that he can't beat you" he said with anger..
"Ok calm down now. We'll think about him later.." I said.

"Today I am going to buy a girl for me." I said as he looked at me with a surprised expression. "Why" he enquired.."You never did that before.."
"My mother.. The reason is my mother. She wants me to settle down and marry someone but you know I can't do that so I am buying someone who would act like she is my wife and will also don't disturb me in my personal matters. I could still lead my bachelor life and dominate her in every aspect of her life." I finished.

"But what if she pulls any stunt and tries to tell the truth to your mother?" Arav said worriedly.

"I will make sure she doesn't do that" I said with a smirk..

                       Aditi's pov

I woke up with the bright light on my face. It was already lunch time and no one even came to give me water. I remembered yesterday's incident and tears flowed from my eyes automatically. No, I assured myself, I am not going to be sold like this. I will save myself. But I can't do anything until I am tied to this bed. I struggled but it was just to tight. I need to wait until someone unties me. The wait felt like eternity but finally my stepsister and stepmother came to my room. It was already afternoon and after a few hours he will arrive to whom I was to be sold.

My stepmother commanded "Get her ready. He is arriving in a few hours. And make sure she doesn't pull any stunt." She said and left the room but there was no time for me to cry. I need to save myself first. Ava untied my hands and legs and gave me one of her dress and told me to change. This was my chance. I excused myself to the bathroom but there was no space for me to escape. So I put on the dress and got out of the bathroom. I needed some other plan. I could easily jump out of the window but for that I need my sister ava to get out of the room. "Idea" I screamed in my mind.
"Ava, I don't feel so good. Can you please give the medicine box?"  I asked with a glimmer of hope in my mind.

"Do you think I am a fool!" Ava replied. "These are all your excuses. I know you very well."

"No no you are getting me wrong" I said defending myself. "I am really not feeling well. I have a bad stomach ache. Please bring me the medicines. Also you didn't give me food or water the whole day. This is natural. At least give me the medicines." I said while shedding crocodile tears.

"ok ok don't be dramatic" she said. "I will bring the medicines but don't you dare to outsmart me or the result won't be good." She warned and went out of the room. But these warnings didn't matter to me anymore. I need to save myself. As soon as she went out of the room I took my chance and jumped out of the window but luck was not on my side. My dad knew I would surely try to escape. I fell and my arm got bruised but I tried to run. Suddenly two strong hands held me from back. These were the security my dad appointed. I struggled in their grip. There came my sister and my step mother's loud laugh. My father stood there with a smirk. Anger was visible in his eyes. Ava laughed loudly and mocked me " you really thought I would belive you!! HA HA HA"

My father came near me and slapped me so hard that I could feel blood in my teeth. "HOW DARE YOU!!" his voice made me flinch. "Your owner is arriving within 15 minutes." His words left me in tears. 15 minutes and I will be someone's property. How badly I want to die now. They grabbed me and forcefully took myself to my room. With every passing second I could feel my independence to be snatched away though I never had it. Then I heard horns of a car and my breath hitched. He arrived... I am destroyed now...

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