Chapter Four

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Tony sat opposite the white board, still feeling slightly incensed that Wilson had jumped straight for Eula's opinion. After all, he was the one that found the articles, he was the that bought them to attention, yet Wilson asked Eula flipping Hayvis for her worldly ideas instead of his own.

He couldn't help but admit to himself that her idea was a lot more plausible than his, considering that he didn't have one, but that wasn't the point! Plus, the break in had happened two months ago and James Lanton was killed three days ago now so it was unlikely that they were connected.

He looked at the suspect list. Jeremy Lanton and the four cleaners were in the building at the time, as were four teachers. Mr Gravens was fairly low on the list but Miss Lanton was further up. The aunt and uncle were still missing.

Seamus meanwhile, had set up his computer to search the schools databases for someone with an IQ near 157, after getting the warrent, but all the files were encrypted and it was taking a lot longer than he thought it would. He stood at the coffee machine and Tony joined him. Seamus was snickering to himself.

"What?" asked Tony bluntly, grabbing a clean mug from the cupboard.

"I just find it funny that you're fighting for control of the case." Seamus said nonchalantly.

"What do you mean?" Seamus just smiled. The door flew open and Kallie ran in.

"Guys come on! We have to go! NOW!" she cried clinging to Seamus' arm.

"What is it? Kallie calm down!" Tony said, resting his hands on her shoulders, "What's happened?"

"They've found the aunt and uncle, Clarice and Ryan Talmend! But it's not good!"


Half an hour later, Seamus, Eula and Tony were donned in bullet proof vests as they filed out of the car and stepped onto the road. The motorway was shut and deserted. Eula looked up at the bridge above her. Two people were stood on the wrong side of the hand rail, the woman being held in front of the man, a police negotiator stood about 20 feet from them. Eula's breath caught in her throat as she gripped Seamus' elbow.

"Guys! Over here!" Wilson called from the lane divider in the centre of the road.

"Ezzy, what's going on?" asked Seamus unable to tear his eyes away from the bridge.

"Well, the negotiator has been up there for 20 minutes and we can't wait any longer. Eula, this might seem unusual, but we want you to talk to Mr Talmend!"

Tony, Seamus and three nearby officers all gawked at Wilson.

"Ezzy? Are you sure?" Seamus said, carefully, as Tony smacked his hand against the metal barrier in anguish.

"But, Wilson... I.." Eula began.

"You can do it and do not argue! I don't know what it is about you, but you have a way with people! They respond to you! Helena Lanton and Troy Gravens as two examples! Please, Eula! You have to try!" Wilson's hair was falling out of her bun and her cheeks were flushed.

"I'll try... but I can't promise anything." Wilson gestured to Tony and he grudgingly lead Eula to the side path up to the bridge.

"Tony!" she hissed, grabbing his arm, stopping him, "What if this doesn't work? What if they fall? It'll be all my fault! I won't be able to live with myself if that happened!"

"Hayvis, right now, you have no choice!" Tony hissed back, glaring at her, "I have never been given any task as important as this! Wilson holds you highly and this is only your third day! I've been here almost two years and don't get nearly as many opportunities as you've had! So buck up and start talking to Mr Talmend otherwise, yes, you will be responsible for his death and that of his wife!"

Eula gulped. Tony turned his back and stamped up the slope. He felt a little guilty at his outburst but this situation wasn't about her, it was about the couple on the bridge.

Eula followed and met the negotiator at the top. Tony was shocked to see her suddenly with a business-like expression on her face, all hesitance gone. That just angered him more, that she didn't want to appear weak to others. Which begged the question 'Why did she look so scared when she spoke to me a moment ago?'. He came to the conclusion that she was just trying to mess with his head.

"You must be Detective Hayvis?" the negotiator said, "Please, quickly! I don't know how much time we have!"

Eula dropped her rucksack onto the floor along with her bullet proof vest.

"Eula!" snapped Tony but she waved him down. She observed the scene before her.

Ryan Talmend was stood with his back pressed against the railings, one arm holding his terrified looking wife in front of him, his arm wrapped around her neck, his other hand clinging to a handgun the barrell pressed against his wife's temple. Clarice Talmend, Helena Lanton's sister, stood with her feet almost off the bridge. Her eyes were clamped shut and her hands gripped her husbands arm. She looked as though she was crying silently.

"Mr Talmend?" Eula called out to the man. He spoke without looking at her.

"Have you arrested the killer yet?"

"Well, no, Mr Talmend. We haven't."

"Why not!" he roared, snapping his head to face her, eyes flashing.

"Mr Talmend, or can I call you Ryan? We doing our best but this little situation here isn't exactly speeding up the search. My name is Eula, Eula Hayvis. I'm here to help you. Please, come this side of the barrier so we can talk?"

"No chance! Why should I believe you?"

"Because I want to help you, Ryan, at lease stay there and speak to me." she took a step closer.

"You stay where you are! The moment I step over there, your police friends will swarm up here!" he shouted, waving the gun at her.

Eula took another step, "Well, yes. They probably will. Please talk to me, Ryan. Why are you doing this?"

"Isn't that obvious?" he yelled.

"Well, no. No, not really." Eula said. Tony watched, angrily, as Eula edged closer. Why did she take her vest off, he fumed. She'll get herself killed before they jump.

"James is dead! Don't you understand?"

"Ryan, you'll have to explain further. I know your nephew is dead-" Eula noticed his face scrunch up in anger as she said that, "-and we're doing everything we can to find the culprit but by being here, you're distracting us from finding the killer."

She watched his face fall. He hadn't realised that.

"Ryan, will you give me the gun?"


"Then at least let Clarice go. Please."

Ryan paused, looking from Eula to Clarice. After a painful few moments he lifted he carefully and dropped her over the bars. Tony creeped forwards and scooped her off the ground and carried her away, off the bridge. Ryan turned to Eula, still on the wrong side of the bars, and held the gun out pointing it at Eula.

"Come on Ryan." Eula said looking straight into his moss green eyes. "You won't shoot me."

"How do you know! You police people think you know everything!"

Eula smiled softly, "Ryan, you would have shot me the moment I stepped towards you if you were going to. But you didn't."

Ryan waved the gun in her direction, "You don't understand. James is gone. What else do I have? HE MEANT EVERYTHING TO ME!"

With that he stepped backwards.

Eula watched in horror as Ryan Talmend fell, almost in a cliched slow motion off the bridge, down towards the road below. She felt her feet move forward and her arms came up to grab him but she wasn't quick enough. She closed her eyes and slapped her hands over her ears so she didn't see or hear him hit the floor. Eula felt a pair of arms wrap around her and she turned to face Tony's chest. She didn't cry, she couldn't find the tears. Horrible thoughts began ripping through her concience. 'He's dead. I could've stopped him. He's dead. He fell. He's gone. It's all my fault.'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2013 ⏰

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