'~ Chapter 5 - Knox's woes ~'

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The boys were gathered around a table in the school's recreation room, all hunched over their trigonometry work, when Knox entered the room looking completely out of it.

"How was dinner?" Charlie asked from his spot at the table.

"Terrible." Knox said glumly.

"Why, what happened?" said Neil, who had just walked into the room smiling to himself.

"Tonight, I met the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my entire life." 

"Are you kidding? What's wrong with that?" Neil said, taken aback. 

"She's practically engaged! To Chet... Danburry..." 

There were a series of pitying 'oohs' and 'aahs'. 

"That's too bad." said Pitts in an attempt to console his friend.

"Too bad? It's worse than too bad Pittsie it's a tragedy! A girl like her in love with such a jerk!" Knox exclaimed. 

"All the good ones go for jerks, you know that." Pitts again attempted to console his friend.

"Yeah forget her- open your trig book and try to figure out problem 5" Cameron tried to move the topic of the conversation.

"I can't just forget her Cameron, and I certainly can't think about trig."

Pitts and Meeks went back to fiddling with their latest experiment over on their table. 

"So how about you Neil? How was your dinner?" Charlie asked, moving the conversation from Knox's woes. 

"Huh? Oh yeah it was good." mumbled Neil, who had zoned out around about the mention of 'jerks'. 

"That bad huh?" Meek entered the conversation again. 

"Come on Neil you gotta give us more than that- did you actually know them? What happened?" Charlie pressed.

"It was Dione." Neil said, directed at Charlie- the only one that would understand the gravity of the situation. 

"Ooh so there was a girl?" Pitts teased.

"Oh God there's two of them!" Cameron rolled his eyes. 

Charlie placed his hand on Neils shoulder, concerned at the shift from his usual bubbly demeanor.

"So how was it?" he asked quietly. 

"It was great- we caught up and just kind of continued where we left off-" Neil began smiling giddily again- "She gave me her number and postcode, she wants to stay in contact."

"Heyyy good on you pal!" Charlie punched his shoulder lightly- "at this rate you'll be the first of us to get yourself a girlfriend!"

"Charlie you know it's not like that-" 

"Hey! Hey! We got it!" Pitts and Meeks jumped excitedly as the radio they seemed to be making began to whir. 

"Alright gentlemen, five minutes!" the teacher came in to usher the boys to their dorms, they began to pack up. 

"Hey! Did ya see her naked?" Charlie teased Knox, who was still sitting at the table looking miserable. 

"Very funny Dalton." Knox responded flatly. 

"That wouldn't be a radio in your lap, would it Mr. Pitts?" the teacher called above the cacophony. 

"No sir, science experiment- radar." Pitts lied on the spot, Meeks nodding add credibility. 

Pink Camelia - Neil Perry x Reader/OCTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon