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Something was wrong with Evelyn. I could feel it.

Ever since we'd left the rink she had been awfully quiet, distracted even. Sure she would respond to whatever her friends were saying, throw in a smile and a nod here and there but I could tell her mind was somewhere else. Somewhere not so good if the tension in her form was any indication.

While the rest of the guys discussed plans for tonight in the hotel lobby, my eyes kept wandering toward Evelyn to make sure she was okay. The media team was also having their own discussion a few feet away to my right and from the looks of it, Evelyn wasn't as enthusiastic to go out as the rest of her friends.

"We should go with Holden and the rest of the guys," Dylan suggested. "You know to keep them out of trouble."

Kris snickered at that. "You will be the one causing trouble. You just want company while you do it."

Dylan flashed him his megawatt grin, not even trying to deny the accusation. Putting the rookies and Dylan together was a bad idea but his suggestion gave me the opening that I was looking for.

"It's not a bad idea," I piped in, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. "Why not ask the media team to join as well? It'll be good to have everyone in one place so no one gets in trouble and I'm sure they can get some content if they want."

Dylan shot me a knowing grin and I suppressed the urge to squirm under his gaze. He was onto me for sure. But thankfully, he decided to move past it and not call me out on it.

"The captain has spoken! So that's what we shall do," he said with his usual dramatics. "Hey, Ward! You and your team wanna join us? We are going bar hopping. It'll be better if everyone is together."

The media team shared a look among themselves before shrugging. "Cool," Tyler replied. They merged with us, a new discussion starting all over again with a different option being thrown around every two seconds. My gaze however stayed on Evelyn who was constantly checking her phone. And each time she did, a new frown line appeared on her beautiful face.

"Guys, I think I'm gonna call it a night. You all have fun," she said, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Are you okay?" her friend Noor asked.

"Are you feeling sick? I have meds with me," Veena followed.

Evelyn smiled at them, shaking her head. "I'm okay. Just tired. I think it's the travel."

"Are you sure? I can stay back with you if you want," Veena offered.

"No. I'm fine. Just going to sleep it off. You go have fun," Evelyn replied.

After some more convincing and reassurances, it was decided that we were going without Evelyn. Not the outcome I'd wanted but there was nothing I could do about it. As Evelyn started walking to the elevator and the rest headed toward the exit, I lingered behind, torn between wanting to follow her and giving her space. She made it halfway across the lobby and I was about to turn to leave when she bumped into someone, dropping her phone in the process.

My blood ran cold as soon as I saw Davidson and his teammate tower over her tiny frame. Before I knew it, my feet were moving in their direction. The smirk on his face as he eyed her made my gut fill with dread.

"Watch where you're going little lady," he said as he bent down to swipe her phone from the ground.

"I'm sorry," Evelyn mumbled quickly, taking a step back from him.

Davidson locked eyes with me when I was only a few steps away from them and a sinister grin split his face. After playing countless times against him over the last three years, I knew nothing good followed when he had that expression on his face.

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