Chapter 92: Using the Genetic Strengthening Potion!

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After chatting for a while, Lin Bei left Doctor Du Yusheng’s office and arrived at Lin Jing’s ward.

“Brother! You’re here!”


“Don’t you have a competition today? I’m still waiting to watch it!”

“There’s no hurry. I’ll go after I treat your illness.”

“What? Brother, the medicine has been delivered?”

Lin Jing was overjoyed when she heard that, and a blush appeared on her pale face.

“It’s here! This is it. Genetic Strengthening Potion. As long as you drink it, you’ll be fine soon!”

“That’s great! This way, I can go to Second World with Brother! Brother, I want to join your team too. Can I?”

“Of course you can! But before that, you have to treat your illness first!”


Lin Jing was extremely excited.

After so many years of illness and torture, her body was extremely fragile, but today… everything was about to end!

Her illness was about to be cured!

From now on, she would be able to run around outside and play freely like other little girls!

“Alright, little sister, don’t cry. This is a joyous occasion. You have to be happy!”

Lin Bei rubbed Lin Jing’s head dotingly and smiled.

“I’m crying because I’m happy!”

Lin Jing smiled as she cried.

“Alright, Mom and Dad will be here this afternoon. Before that, drink the medicine and give them a surprise!”


Lin Jing nodded obediently and took the potion from Lin Bei. She took a deep breath and carefully opened the bottle before slowly drinking the potion.

In less than ten seconds, Lin Jing reacted.

“Brother, I’m sleepy.”

“Sleep if you’re tired. I’ll watch over you.”

Lin Bei smiled and helped Lin Jing lie down. Looking at the sleeping Lin Jing, he felt a sense of familiarity.

Why did this scene look so much like himself after using the divinity item?

Could it be that there was really a connection between this Genetic Strengthening Potion and the divinity item?

Lin Bei frowned and spread his magic power to carefully investigate the change in Lin Jing’s aura.

“Her aura is becoming stronger, and her blood is flowing faster. However, her breathing is still stable, and her heartbeat is stronger!”

Lin Bei heaved a sigh of relief and sat by the bed. He was afraid that something would happen to Lin Jing. This way, not only would he not be able to answer to himself, but he would also not be able to answer to his parents.

Fortunately, it was just a false alarm. Everything was fine.

Lin Bei waited patiently. After two hours, Lin Jing slowly woke up.

“How are you feeling?”

Lin Bei hurriedly went forward and asked.

“I feel so light! I feel like I’m about to float! Also, I feel like I have endless strength!”

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