13: Old Love

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The hollyhocks bobbed in the breeze as Peregrine, Bronzefinch and Retba waited in the courtyard. Court had long ended, and everyone had gone home for the week but those with a little something more important to say lingered. When Court Lady Ma summoned them, the men followed her to the king's office where they went into the queen mother. Bak Hayoon stood at the center of the room, and they all bowed.

"Such a lovely day, and you have not taken advantage of going home," Bak Hayoon said. "This must be about the court official case."

"I wish permission to continue investigating the corrupt minister," Peregrine said. He and Bronzefinch bowed.

"I request you decline such an investigation," Retba said. "The evidence is not substantial, and it lowers the morale of the court. No one of good breeding or good sense would grow the deadly wizard's robes."

Bak Hayoon looked at the other men. "What do you have to say?"

"The secretary of foreign affairs knows the court," Bronzefinch said. "He must also know how easy justice can be miscarried. How the time our country is currently in can cause men to behave beastly."

"I am not sure I appreciate your tone, Secretary of War Bronzefinch," Retba said.

Bronzefinch bowed.

Bak Hayoon sighed. "Chief Aide?"

"The ministers are recently considered for promotion," Peregrine said. "No one wants the label of a criminal looming over their heads."

"Well I suppose I could send the red feathers to everyone's houses to find the evidence," Bak Hayoon said.

"Majesty." Retba bowed.

Bak Hayoon smiled. "Chief Aide, you resume the investigation. Today's hearing in this regard is annulled. Dismissed."

The men bowed and left. As Peregrine was going out the door, Bak Hayoon called him back. He watched her climb up onto the throne and sit herself there.

"Hasn't it always suited me, Peregrine?"

Peregrine bowed.

"When I married, the king and I shared everything. The greatest regret of my life is abdicating for my son. Am I not ideal to return to the throne? If I am not queen, who will resist Bak Haneul?"

"Your Majesty, the king has hardly departed, let's not speak this way."

A door to the side chamber opened and a boy in hanbok ran out followed by his nursery maid. Bak Hayoon stood as the boy led the girl in a chase all about the office and around the throne.

"Please Prince Rim, you must come back to Hexagon Palace."

Rim ducked behind the throne. "No! Granny said this is my house and I can go where I want."

"Get control of him and take him out," Bak Hayoon said.

"Yes, Your Majesty," Zaynab said.

Peregrine looked at the stubborn boy. Between him and Bak Hayoon he didn't know who was more likely to throw a fit. "Come here, child." He waved the boy over. "Now, why are you troubling this nice young lady?"

"I do not want to study."

"Ah, but a boy needs to learn his lessons to grow and become smart."

Rim looked up at him. "Are you smart?"

"This is Chief Aide Peerless," Zaynab said. "He is the smartest man in the kingdom."

Rim's mouth hung open. "Then if I go to my lessons I will be as smart as you?"

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