Episode 5

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Long time no see. Lol - <3


It's been 4 years since my mother was killed. 

I remember it vividly. Not something you'd forget really...

My mother was in a critical condition yet she hurridly held me in her arms as to hide me from something.. or someone until her final breath... 

I remember crying loudly until my father came in and screamed my mother's name "LAYLA!"

When he saw me in my mother's arms he immediately called the head doctor and carried me to get myself checked up. But, my mother...he knew she didn't make it...he wrapped his arms around her and quietly repeated, "I'm sorry..I'm sorry I couldn't protect you..."

William was beside me while I got evaluated as he sniffled trying to stop his tears from running down his face. 

My father came in and grabbed me soon as my evaluation was done. 

The assassin was found by the captain but before my father could interrogate him, they crushed a pill in their mouth and died instantly. "This assassin knew what their end was. If they had run away, we would've captured them or somebody else who wanted them dead too.." my father said as I looked up at him in his arms. Of course this was something a baby wouldn't understand but I knew exactly what that meant.

Something happened. Something different from the original story. My mother was supposed to live and save one of the male leads, my step-brother Liam. Somebody is targeting this family... but who?

That was the last time I saw my mother alive. Her funeral was a week later. William was crushed. He sobbed in my father's arms and my father had a serious face, but I could see a fire in his eyes; 'rage'

For months, my father had me in his arms and took me everywhere he went. At some point, the head maid was worried I was pampered too much as I didn't start crawling. So she pestered him I'd be let to roam on the floor or in my room. She finally got his approval after convincing him to station more guards around the perimeter and inside the house.

Rosalinda's mother... my mother...

Originally, she was supposed to live with my father until she caught her disease and passed away when Rosalinda turned 14. 

This attack wasn't mentioned in the original story. Yet if it was left out, mother should've lived...

I imagine she'd be strict yet warm. During the first few months I was born I saw how she interacted with William. She was strict with her teaching of swordmanship. But she wasn't hard with him. She knew his limits yet challenged him when the time was right. He was young to learn the sword but she started at the same age. She was self-taught at the time since women weren't hyped to learn the sword during her time, but after beating a knight stationed at her home her father agreed for her to receive swordmanship lessons. 

She wasn't talked much in the original story but it was mentioned she was my father's knight. They first met at a dance party. My father fell in love at first sight, but it took her years to reciprocate his feelings. After the dance party, her swordmanship was gaining admiration by higher statuses and my grandfather saw her value, and wanted her stationed as my father's knight. He was in love with her nonchalant attitude and kept pestering for her hand in marriage. Of course, after 4 years of this constant behavior, she agreed and became the Duchess. 

"Why my mother?..." I think out loud. I wasn't sure what to do now. Should I keep following the original story and save my step-brother? Mother would never think twice and save him...

"How could you remember mother when you were only 1 years old?" William asks. He turned 9 a couple months ago, same age as the crown prince.  

"I don't remember much about her" I lie, "But, I remember how warm she was." which is true. 

He sighs. I can see in his face that he wants to comfort me but doesn't know how. He looks at his watch and quickly chuggs his drink. 

"I have to get ready before Al comes by!" 

Right... My brother befriended the crown prince. They're surprisingly close now that they go by nicknames. 

They weren't as close when they first met during my 1st birthday party. At the time, my brother thought of him as smug and cold. But, after my mother's funeral, he paid his condolences. His mother passed away after she gave birth to him so he knew how we felt. 

After that encounter, my brother thought foundly of him and started practicing their swordmanship with each other. My brother, he's the best compared to everybody else, but not compared to Albert. Of course, the crown prince beats him every time but what would you except from a crown prince?

I'm just glad Will has someone to play with. He seems happy...

I'm age 5 yet I barely have friends...

"Bell, I need friends." I say to my maid. "But, I'm your friend, my lady.." she says almost like it stung her. "Yes, but someone of my age would be nice..." I say. "If I may..." I nod, "How about you plan a tea party and invite all the noble ladies?"

Why didn't I think of that!?

"Bell!" I yell, "Yes, my lady!" she quickly straightens her back. 

"I'm not sure how to plan a tea party..." it would've been mother who would plan this out but since she's not here.. "...could you help me plan one out, please?" I say meakly. 

"Of course, my lady.. I would be honored." She smiles.

Now, for the next battle! 

To make friends, or possibly meet future enemies...

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