Cute Princess

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Aunty Afra was busy looking at me and throwing suspicious looks towards me, to avoid her questions again I decided to run to the kitchen, so I held zarah's hand and said ,

Cutey do you like smoothie.

Yes I love them, especially the one with berries, she said.

Okay, then let's go and make it, she said.

Yessss, she said excited.

We headed to the kitchen and I sat her down on the kitchen island and I headed towards the refrigerator to bring out what I needed.

Cutey do you prefer strawberry or raspberry, I asked.

I prefer only strawberry, she said.

Okay, I brought out the strawberry, diary milk and my Greek yogurt and I kept them on the kitchen counter , we made our smoothie together while gisting ( talking about cartoons ofcourse) and then we tasted it and it was great ( I know I make the best smoothie in my family) so I poured it inside five cups and and took them with us to the sitting room and we met them  gisting together. I served everyone except Mr handsome ( that's the name I gave him), because he said that he doesn't take smoothie, we went back to the kitchen with ours and add whipped cream on top with some sprinkles and a piece of strawberry on top. After we finished our smoothie , I took zarah to my room so that we will pray. We prayed and headed down stairs and met Mr handsome coming back from the masjid that is in the estate.

Daddy we prayed with aunty cutey, she said.

Really princess,that good, he said.

Well go get ready we are living now, he said.

Dad it's too early can't we stay a bit longer, he said.

No , you know granny is waiting for us and our flight is by 8pm and it's already 6:30pm , we need to go get ready, he said.

Okay daddy, she said.

Aunty Afra and Aunty sumayya came down and Mr handsome said,

Sumayya we need to get going before I miss my flight, he said.

Okay I was even thinking of calling you, she said.

Okay Afra see you next time, Mr handsome said.

Toh YA Mohammed Allah ya tsare hanya ( okay brother Mohammed safe journey), Aunty Afra said.

Well Afra bye and affy it's nice meeting you I hope we met again, she said.

Inasha Allah ( by God's will), I said.

They headed to the door and I ran to the kitchen cause I bought chocolate and cookies in the morning,so I packed them all and follow them to their car

Cute Princess take this it's for you, I said.

Okay thanks Aunty cutey, do you have a number, she asked.

Yes ,why did you asked, I said.

Dad help me with your phone, she said.

What are you going to do with it princess, he said.

I want to collect Aunty cutey's number and I will be calling her every,  day, she said innocently.

Okay, he said and gave her the phone.

Aunty cutey here, she handed the phone to me and I typed in my number and I gave her back and she saved it with Aunty cutey ( I was like who taught such a small girl how to save number on a phone), I smiled at her. It was time for them to leave, they entered the car and it was remaining zarah.

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