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Chapter 451: CEO Jun is Famous Again
This was the first time Xia Wanyuan had come to a modern night market. Beijing was a city with a long history. The shops beside it were decorated with ancient architectural styles.

Under the ancient and carved eaves, there was a modern feeling. It was quite unique. The fragrance of all kinds of food floated in the air.

“There’s an extremely handsome singer over there. Let’s go, I’ll show you.”

With that, An Rao brought Xia Wanyuan to the most popular bar.

“Miss An, you’re here. This way, please.” The people here seemed to be very familiar with An Rao. They directly led her to the VIP seat on the roof of the second floor. One could see the performance of the people below when they lowered their heads.

“This is our new Heart of Ice. Try it.” The staff brought up two light blue drinks. Xia Wanyuan tried them and realized that they tasted like wine. Xia Wanyuan knew that this body could not hold its liquor well. After taking two sips, she put down the glass.

“Sister, let me tell you. When I have nothing to do, I come here to watch that singer sing. I think he sings much better than those in the entertainment industry.” Just as An Rao finished speaking, the people in the bar suddenly boiled over. On the stage, a young man in a white T-shirt and holding a guitar appeared.

This young man was extremely handsome, and there was arrogance in his eyes. He casually played the strings and sang softly. Xia Wanyuan nodded. He did sing quite well.

At that moment, the boy on the stage inadvertently raised his head and swept his gaze across the second floor. He met Xia Wanyuan’s gaze and was stunned.

At that moment, Xia Wanyuan’s phone rang.

“Where are you?” Jun Shiling’s deep voice sounded. Hearing the music and singing on Xia Wanyuan’s phone, Jun Shiling frowned.

Xia Wanyuan said a seat. “Come and pick me up.”


Seeing Xia Wanyuan hang up the phone, An Rao leaned over. “Sister, is this your husband?”


“What’s your husband like? I can’t imagine what kind of person can marry you.” An Rao suddenly thought of something. “F*ck, will your husband be angry with you if I bring you to look at handsome guys? Let’s go to a bar with ugly singers.”

Xia Wanyuan smiled helplessly. “It’s nothing. This child sang pretty well.” Xia Wanyuan picked up her wine glass and took another sip.

The usually lazy singer had actually sung a few more songs on stage today. The boss was so happy backstage. He wondered why this little ancestor was so interested today.

Not long after, Jun Shiling arrived downstairs. Xia Wanyuan and An Rao walked down. Through the glass window, Jun Shiling saw the arrogant youth on the stage, his gaze following Xia Wanyuan.

An Rao obediently followed Xia Wanyuan. With her driving skills, she could only rely on Xia Wanyuan’s car to go home.

“Sister, your husband is too strict with you. You’ve only listened to a few songs. If I had to say, you should be -” An Rao’s words were stuck in her throat when she saw the person sitting in the car.


An Rao looked at Xia Wanyuan in shock. If my eyes were fine, the person sitting in the car was Jun Shiling, right? He was the richest man, right? The husband that all women in the world dreamed of?

“This is my friend, An Rao.” Xia Wanyuan briefly introduced her. “My husband, Jun Shiling.”

Jun Shiling’s originally cold expression softened a little at Xia Wanyuan’s words.

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