Chapter Ten

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**This has not been edited or proofread**


Silence rang in the apartment after Farrah's departure. It was uncomfortable, and anxiety bubbled in my chest.

"I'm sorry," Grayson blurted. I jerked my eyes up from my lap to look at him. Chase tightened his arm around me. "I know it's not my fault, but – God, I feel so helpless right now. He's my father – should be my own problem – not trying to ruin your life."

Surprising myself, I leaned forward and grabbed his hand in both of mine, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Grayson, this isn't your fault," I assured him. "You shouldn't feel guilty for something a monster is doing. He hurt you, too," I quietly reminded him. Grayson frowned.

"I was hoping the very first time he went to jail would have been a wake-up call for him," Grayson muttered. "But to find out he got out and hurt you, too – that now he's back again?" Grayson shook his head. "I hate that he's tainted someone else's life, too."

He looked up at me. "But Chase and I? We'll do everything in our power to make sure he doesn't touch you again, Meredith." I heard Chase grunt in agreement next to me. "Even if I have to call the bastard myself, I'll find out where he is, and we'll stop him before he comes here; I promise."

I immediately shook my head, drawing my hands back when they grew clammy. I swallowed past the lump in my throat. "Don't make those kinds of promises to me," I told them. Chase narrowed his eyes at me. "Please," I begged. "It's not a promise you can one hundred percent guarantee that you'll be able to keep. And breaking that kind of promise to someone—" my voice broke, "it hurts you – deep."

Chase wrapped both of his arms around me that time, pulling me to sit on his lap. He gently ran his hand over my hair as I sucked in a ragged breath, trying not to cry again.

I just wanted to go to sleep and wake up with this all hopefully being a really bad dream.

"Get some rest," Grayson quietly told me as he stood up from my coffee table. "Chase, I'll hit you up in the morning."

"Drive safe, bro."

Grayson nodded before he left my apartment, quietly closing the door behind him. Chase stood from the couch with me cradled to his chest. After placing me on my bed, he pressed his lips to my forehead. "Take a nap," he said softly. "I'm going downstairs to close the store early. I'll be back up soon."

"Okay," I whispered, wrapping my arm over Max as he snuggled against the front of my body, his head beneath my chin.

I was asleep not too long after I heard my apartment door slowly clickclosed after Chase left.


Chase's phone blared out from the nightstand, jerking us both out of our sleep. He was above the covers, his arm over me. With a groan, he rolled over and snatched up the phone. He was out of bed a moment later, yanking his boots onto his feet.

"I'm on my way," Chase said. "Fire is contained?"

I sat up on my elbows, frowning at him. He hung up the phone a moment later. "I need to go take care of this. Some kids decided to have a drunken night in Mr. Hallow's field out on Mayberry, and they started a fire. He's losing his crops."

"Go," I urged him, making a mental note to give Mr. and Mrs. Hallow free coffee and brownies tomorrow morning when they came in for their coffee – if they came in, that was. "I'll be fine."

He grabbed my face in his hands. "I hate leaving you." He pressed his lips to mine in a short, sweet kiss. "Call Grayson or Farrah to come sit with you if you need them to."


He pressed a finger over my lips, shutting me up. "No arguments, sweetheart. I'll be back soon."

He left the apartment, shutting the door behind him. I sighed and laid back down, snuggling back against Max. I shut my eyes, willing sleep to come back to me as I sent up a prayer to God that Chase would be okay.


Glass breaking broke me out of my sleep. Max growled from next to me, already standing up. My alarms went off a moment later, making me shriek in fear. I quickly sat up and grabbed my phone, calling 9-1-1.

"There's been a break-in at my bookstore," I rushed out when the dispatcher picked up the phone.

"Hold on, hun. We've already got officers en route. Just stay upstairs and keep your door locked, okay?"

"Okay," I whispered.

I ended the call and dialed Chase, my fingers shaking. It rang and rang, but he didn't answer. Worry settled in the pit of my stomach. I tried again. Still no answer.

The sound of heavy boots slowly moving up the stairs to my apartment reached my ears. Max barked, trying to warn the person away. I kept dialing Chase, my tears blurring the screen of my phone.

He wasn't answering.

Why wasn't he answering?!

The doorknob jiggled. Max jumped off my bed, growls and barks tearing from his throat and chest. I stared in horror when my door was shoved open, and the man of my nightmares stood before me.

Max attacked, but the man had been anticipating it and kicked Max in the side of the head, knocking my dog out.

"Max," I whimpered, fear clawing at my throat. I rushed off my bed, too panicked to think straight.

"It's all over now," Gerald snarled at me.

"It's all over now," Gerald snarled at me

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