Chapter 7

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>> Southern Kingdom, Kratoryah<<

Thousands of people erupted in praise as the Duke of Astrid and his formidable 10,000 men returned victorious from the war against the East. The bustling streets of the southern Kratoryah empire were filled with the joyous anticipation of the impending victory festival. Inside the palace, the royal family busily prepared for a grand victory welcome ball to honor the war heroes.

As Sebastian and his generals made their entrance into the ball, all eyes were fixed on them. A hush fell over the crowd, and the noble families respectfully bowed their heads as Sebastian passed by, acknowledging the silent admiration.

The crown prince warmly greeted his returning cousin, expressing gratitude for bringing pride to the empire. Sebastian, in his characteristically cold demeanor, responded with a sense of duty toward defending the empire.

"I offered the His Majesty, Duke Astrid my sincere congratulations," the crown prince announced, acknowledging the commendable achievement.
While the crown princess arrived to congratulate the duke, and Sebastian received the crown princess's hands in a formal bow and acceptance.

As their hands briefly touched, Ara felt a sudden surge of electricity coursing through her, causing her to blush involuntarily. In that moment, she believed Sebastian had also experienced the unexpected spark, only for him to abruptly release her hand. Confused and disheartened, Ara couldn't fathom why Sebastian had reacted that way, leaving her with a sense of loss, as if she had somehow lost her place in his heart.

"Sebastian, due to father's condition, the King is unable to personally greet you. However, before this night ends, you are welcome to visit the King as he would like to speak with you."

"I will see at his majesty's request." Sebastian curtly nodded and turned around to look for his generals.

Hugo asks the crown princess for her hand and declares, "Then I hereby open the ball." The royal couple dances elegantly, all the while their gaze follows the departing figure of the Duke.

It is unknown what Sebastian felt at that time.

"My Duke, behold all those beautiful women standing by, eagerly awaiting your invitation to dance. Alas, tonight is destined to witness an abundance of shattered hearts."

In an exaggerated response, Alfred, the duke's right hand and general, scoffed and dramatically placed his hand over his heart.

"Sir Alfred, unless your life still holds value, you might want to refrain from unleashing that foul tongue of yours." The second-in-command of the middle line, General Ian, feels embarrassed by his comrades' comments.

Three powerful knights, serving as the duke's generals on the battlefield, are present. These generals are known to be ranked based on their strength and power.

Sir Alfred holds the position of front general, a knight with shield power. The strength of the middle general, Sir Ian, capable of slaying hundreds of enemies with a single swing of his sword, contrasts with the intelligence and cunning of the rear general, Sir William. Depending on the battle's state, the rear general can devise a change of strategy even at the last minute.

The three mighty knights, known as the "Generals of the North," serve the dukes and are well-known even among nearby empires. They are aware of the loyalty of these three generals to their master, the Duke of Astrid. They are willing to sacrifice their lives to keep the duke and the northern kingdom safe.

They are prepared to sacrifice their lives to ensure the safety of the Duke and the northern kingdom. Their ancestors received these abilities from the Light Goddess Dragon and passed them on to succeeding generations to carry on the tradition. Their loyalty to the Duke of Astrid is indelible, marked by a sacred oath to guard the house of Astrid. Breaking this oath would result in death, as the knight's blood is intricately connected to the Guardian. 

"Ahem, Generals, if I may say so, would you kindly behave properly in front of His Majesty?" William, the rear general, looked at Alfred and Ian with a serious expression.

Sebastian looked at his three knights and said, "Knights, we are going home to the north tomorrow after my meeting with the King. I heard there was a development in our land, and I want to see it for myself."

The three generals looked at each other and agreed with the duke. During their year-long battle, they had heard from the Duke's butler that a commercial store was opened in the north and was a success among both nobles and commoners. What intrigued them was the involvement of the infamous Lady of Monchy in the development of their land.

As the evening came to an end, Hugo invited Sebastian for a conversation on the exclusive royal balcony following the royal couple's dance. Sebastian noticed that Hugo seemed serious and speculated that it might be related to Ara. When he first arrived in the city, Hugo surprised him by bringing up a subject that was on everyone's mind.

"Sebastian, brother, I'm sure you've heard of the developments in your land. Lady Monchy is involved, and I'm not sure what her scheme is this time. I'm afraid she's plotting something against the crown princess."

"Hugo, do not worry; I will leave tomorrow to check what's happening in my land. Although I heard from my butler that Lady Monchy's business is famous, and the northerners adore her, I will investigate it thoroughly."

"We can't trust her, Sebastian, after what she did to Ara. It was your suggestion to exile her in the north as we still need her family's support against the rise of the nobility factions."

"I will not allow her to harm the crown princess. Please trust my word."

"I know you will never allow someone to hurt her. Thank you, brother."

Hugo and Sebastian exchanged farewell words after an awkward moment of silence. The fact that Ara and Sebastian were romantically involved before Hugo confessed his love means that there will always be some awkwardness between them.

Hugo is aware of Ara's feelings for Sebastian, and he's somewhat uncomfortable with this realization. When he saw how Ara was staring at Sebastian, it felt as though his stomach was being torn apart. He grinned bitterly, unsure if he had succeeded in winning Ara's heart.

After the royal ball, Ara sought out Sebastian, eager to talk to him about why he hadn't responded to the letters she sent multiple times while he was in the east.

Her lady-in-waiting informed her that Duke Sebastian had a meeting with the King and then hastily departed with his knights for the north. She guessed that the duke had left because of the well-known reports about Lady Monchy's dealings in his kingdom.

"That bitch! Even though she is a distance away, she really knows how to steal the show. She is nothing more than a criminal without the wealth and status of her parents! I'll make sure to set her straight."

Ara's once-warm demeanor turned icy, and she clenched her fist in fury. Her lady-in-waiting was taken aback by her response, as Ara consistently presented a vulnerable and innocent appearance.

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