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It's been a few days since that occurrence where you had littered his face with kisses, and so far, things hadn't been awkward between you. In fact, sometimes you would even take the initiative to kiss his cheek, the tip of his nose, his jawline, and his forehead, yet never his lips. Kael doesn't mind much though, as long as he got his kisses, he's happy.

However, Kael started to notice how much of an introvert and a shut-in you are, because he had been in your house for weeksーprobably twoーbut he had never seen you go outside.

Hence, tonight, your male escort had made it his task to bring you out.

You shut your eyes nervously, letting your escort do his magic on you by applying foundation, mascara, lipstick, and other types of makeup on your face for the occasion tonight. Although you don't know where he's going to bring you, you trust him, or at least you trust ROMANCE, they did give you an item where you can alert them should something unexpected happen.

"Is it really necessary to go out tonight when it's snowing heavily outside?" You questioned, frowning a little at the thought of stepping out of your comfort zone.

He smiled, focusing on hiding your dark circles with a concealer. "It's not really necessary but you should have fun outside once in a while, sweetheart."

"I'm having plenty of fun inside my house though," you muttered under your breath.

"Does that mean that you don't want to go out?" His hand stopped doing its work. "Because if so we can just stay at home."

You grumbled. Although the suggestion sounds rather tempting, you do know that you can't live like a hermit until you die. At least, you needed to have some good memory you can look back to once in a while.

Besides, an extrovert like Kael surely needed his daily dose of interaction with other people. After all, That person too is like that. Despite being born with a weak constitution, that person is restless and often can't stay put in one place, eager to socialize, like a little kitten that thrives under people's attention.

ーso it would be wrong for you to trap Kael inside your small world just because you rented him.

"No. That's fine. Going out won't kill me anyway." You relented.

Kael smiled and continued to do your makeup.

A few minutes later, the two of you were ready with the preparation. You were about to bring your car out from the garage but your male escort decided against it, preferring to use his car instead.

You look at the logo on his car once you're outside. Honestly, you're not a car enthusiast, but you recognized his car to be a branded one. You tilted your head, wondering how much an escort made, but since such a question might sound rather prejudiced, you decided against it.

In the end, you rode the car that he brought and the two of you arrived at a quaint but upscale establishment. You squinted your eyes, recognizing that place to beー


You turned towards him, aghast.

"Iー I thought you were bringing us to dine at a fine restaurant but a club?" You started to feel anxious. "Iー Kael, I still don't feel comfortable with being in crowded places."

He smiled and grabbed ahold of your hands. "Sweetheart, relax. This is a private nightclub, reserved for only invited guests, so it wouldn't be as crowded and noisy as you expected."

You frowned. "But I don't have any invitation with me though?"

He laughed. "The fact that you are one of ROMANCE's customers is enough for the guards to allow you to enter. After all, this nightclub is managed by ROMANCE."

Your mouth made an 'O' shape and the surprise and apprehension that had clouded your features earlier were quickly dispelled as he shared the crucial information with you. You nodded in approval, feeling a little better. After all, rowdy and chaotic environments can really make an introvert like you overwhelmed and agitated.

"So does that mean only people from ROMANCE and their clients can enter?"

He hummed in agreement. "Yes, though I don't know if my co-workers will be here tonight or not, I would love to introduce you to them."

"I see. Is there anyone that you are particularly close with?"

He didn't answer, merely smiling as get off the car and escorted you out.

The two of you entered the club, hand in hand, and a sense of intimacy and elegance washed over you as you stepped inside the building.

Compared to the exterior design, the interior design is more refined. The walls were draped with silk curtains, creating a sense of luxury and sophistication. The soft and soothing sound of live music echoed through the space, as did the sweet scent of perfume and champagne. The overall atmosphere was calm, elegant, and sophisticated, a refuge from the stress of the outside world.

The room was bathed in low lighting, creating a sultry and intimate vibe. Seated in plush chairs, pillows, and soft stools, guests engaged in conversations and enjoyed various drinks and snacks. Off to the side, a small cocktail lounge housed an array of alcohol, while towards the center lay a dance floor, where guests swayed and grooved to the rhythm of the live music.

Overall, the club conveyed a feeling of exclusivity and luxury, perfectly encapsulating the essence of romance, intimacy, and elegance.

You couldn't help but feel awed by its sophisticated and romantic ambiance. Instead of the loud and rowdy atmosphere of a public nightlife establishment, the dim candle-lit space was awash in class and elegance. You could see why ROMANCE had chosen to partner with this venue.

"Is the inside of this place to your liking, sweetheart?" 

That sudden question took you out of your thought and you nodded.

"But why did you bring me here?"

"I was hoping that this place could help you relax," he smiled gently. "Lately, you were looking gloomier than usual, and considering how cold and dark this season is, I wouldn't want you to develop a depression."

You smiled helplessly. Since he was so concerned about you, how can you confess that it's due to the discomfort in your stomach after he went ahead and changed your diet?

"Thank you."

Well, it's the thought that counts.




his yan side will hopefully appear at the third heart.

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