Chapter 4

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The game went back and forth like this for the first half, making each other mad and getting buckets. The 3rd quarter had just started and Paige was subbed on the bench and I started going off. Making shots left and right. Paige eventually checks back into the game and we're forced to guard each other again. The score is currently 50-58 with Uconn winning. The 4th quarter just started and she whispers something to me. I wasn't really sure what she said but I'm pretty sure she said "Y'all about to lose this" so I gave her a little shove and called for the ball. I noticed I was right at the top of the 3-point arc with Paige nowhere near me. I let that ball fly and I see it swish. 53-58. We defended them well on their possession and got a turnover so I started to dribble up the court again. I saw a screen being set for me so I ran Paige into the screen and saw another wide open shot along the arc. I don't know what gave me this confidence but I shot the ball again and saw the ball go clean through the net. The crowd goes wild and the score is 56-58. I hear another whistle blow indicating that Uconn's coach called a timeout. I look up at the crowd and wave my hands up and down to get them to make some noise. I got what I wanted and jogged back over to my coach and team. There is only 1 minute left in the game so we need something to happen. Straight out of the timeout Uconn makes a bucket. Dribbling down the court I see Anaya wide open in the corner so I no-look pass to her and she banks it in making a 3. The crowd goes wild again. There are only 20 seconds left until the game ends. The score is 59-60 uconn winning. Right as Paige tries passing the ball, I read her like a book and intercept the pass like a football player. I notice Anaya running down the court so I give her a long pass and she makes the lay up. 61-60. The crowd is going crazy. There's only 2 seconds left on the shot clock. I notice Paige gets the ball on the inbound and I know she has to shoot it. She goes up to shoot and...

"REJECTED BY Y/N" The announcer yells.


The crowd is going crazy and my teammates run up to me and Anaya because we secured us the dub. I walked over to her and hugged her for what felt like an eternity. I pull away and look at her with tears about to fall down my eyes. We laugh a little and then start yelling because we just beat the #8 ranked team in the nation. We get in the handshake line and when it comes to high-fiving Aaliyah I give her a 'I'll talk to you after this' look. When I arrive at Paige she doesn't even high-five me so I mutter under my breath "what a bitch." before finding Aaliyah. I run up to her once I see her and tightly hug her. I haven't seen her in awhile so I start crying because I finally get to see my best friend.

We pull away and I jokingly say "I don't think Paige likes me that much." before laughing and hugging her again.

"She's actually really chill once you get to know her." Aaliyah says, pulling away.

"Well from the pushing and shoving she's done to me, I currently don't believe that." I say chuckling.

All of a sudden I hear "Aaliyah c'mon" from her teammates Nika Muhl and Aubrey Griffin.

"Bye Li but do you wanna get dinner in 45?" I ask her.

"Don't you wanna celebrate with your team though?" She asks. She does have a point but I can always celebrate with them tomorrow.

"No Li, you know I would never miss an opportunity to hang with you." I say back with a smile.

"Okay, see you in a bit" She says.

We exchange our goodbyes and head to our locker rooms. I change and all of a sudden start to feel really tired, probably from the adrenaline wearing off. I start to exit the locker room and head down a hall when I walk in on something. Someone. Someone who I was hoping to not see after this game. Someone who was not in a good mood. In the hall I see Paige rubbing her red eyes and punching her fist into the padded wall.

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