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It's now Saturday, and I still haven't asked Noelle out. So,I'm not getting to spend the weekend with her, but instead, I'll have to spend it with William.

William wants to spend time with me for some reason, and Mr. Nelson said that he wants William and I to bond with each other, to become not only friends but more like brothers. Whatever that means...
Why would I even want to become friends with my biggest threat?

However, I have promised to give this a try, so that's what I'm doing today.

Mr. Nelson just dropped me off outside of a café where William wanted us to meet. And before driving off, Mr Nelson told us to behave and that we could call him if we needed anything. Now it's just William and I, standing face to face with each other.

"Hi!" he says with a smile."We got off to a bad start last time. So, I thought that we could start all over and reintroduce ourselves. I'm William."
He reaches his left hand out to me, and I give him a questioning look.
Is this guy for real?
But I quickly realize that the situation will only become more awkward if I don't play along. So, I take his hand in mine and shake hands with him.
"Yeah... I'm Hayden."


Inside the café it is warm and cozy. Not many people are visiting right now, so it's really calm and quiet. Plus, it smells amazing.

William takes a piece of strawberry cake for himself and a cup of coffee with milk and a lot - and I mean A LOT - of sugar in it. I get diabetes just watching him prepare it.

I was first thinking about taking a Danish, but decided not to because of the mess it would make with all the crumbs. Instead, I also take a piece of the strawberry cake, and I'm not a fan of coffee, so instead of that, I take a cup of hot chocolate. Yummy!

I try to decline William's offer to pay for both his and my stuff, but he insists on it, so I guess I'll let him do that at least this once.
"Don't worry about it. I'm happy to pay. I'm the one who asked you to come here after all." he says while we decide on a place to sit.

We end up sitting by a window in a corner, with our seats opposite to each other. We take our jackets off and hang them behind our chairs before we start to dig in. At least I do. William, on the other hand, he barely even takes a glance at his cake before putting attention on me and starts asking me questions.

He asks me about school, hobbies, my likes and dislikes, and all that jazz. It's almost like we're on a date or something. That's probably also what it looks like from an outside perspective. It's just a little funny because this is how I imagined Noelle and I to spend time together today. To just get to know each other better and have a good time. Well, there's always next weekend, I guess.

When I have answered the questions, I also ask the same questions to him. Just like any other conversation.
I actually didn't think that I would care much about what he has to say, but he actually seems like a pretty interesting guy. And he is a good listener, I'll give him that.

He takes a sip of his coffee between every question, and after the latest question, he finally also takes a bite of the cake before continuing with the conversation.
"Please,tell me about your family." he says and takes another sip of his coffee with his eyes still fixated on me.
I get a little stunned by this. I mean, I did see this coming. It's one of the things that you usually ask about when you get to know a person. But it's just that I have no clue how to answer this, because I don't really have a family to talk about. I could, of course, tell him the truth, but telling a sad story about how my mom is dead would just ruin the mood. "Well..." I begin."It's just me and my mom."

"Okay. So, no siblings? Or no father?" he asks
"Nope" I say and shake my head.
"Okay." he says and nods slowly. "I'm a middle child myself, so I can't really relate to the no sibling thing. But I can relate to the no father thing, at least when it comes to my biological father. I do have a stepfather, though."
I just nod quietly, and then the conversation takes another turn.
"So, if I may ask, what's your relationship with Owen? What's the deal about you staying at his place?"

That's when we have, what feels like, the longest and most awkward silence ever. I'm sitting here trying to come up with an answer while he is sitting there, curiously waiting for the answer. I don't really feel like talking about this with him, especially not here. We're not really close like that, and I don't want anyone else hearing about me living with my teacher. "Um..." I start. Not that I have a plan on what to say. I'm just trying to buy myself more time to think about this.

But I'm not stuck in this uncomfortable situation for much longer because William, the man who put us in this position, speaks up.
"No, I'm sorry. You don't have to answer that. That's just invasive. I'm sorry." he says nervously with remorse, and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Instead, what's your favorite series at the moment?" 
That's an easy answer, and after what just happened, I don't waste my time thinking about it.
"Teenage mutant ninja turtles."
His face immediately lights up at my words.
"Really?" he gasps." I LOVE that show! Michelangelo is my favorite. But Raphael is the hottest."

After that, the conversation becomes much smoother, and I feel more at ease. We talk for maybe another thirty minutes, and I realize that he isn't such a bad guy after all.


When we're done eating and talking, William stands up from his seat.
"I'm just gonna go and use the restroom. You can text Owen and tell him to pick us up while I'm gone."

It feels so weird hearing Mr.Nelson's first name like that. It kinda feels unreal, like it's not even the same person.

However, hearing William talking about using the restroom makes me aware of the wetness between my legs. It's a really uncomfortable feeling, but unfortunately I can't do anything about it because I forgot to bring a spare diaper. Okay, I intentionally forgot to bring a spare diaper because of the embarrassment I would feel. What if someone would notice? What if William would notice and ask about the contents of the bag I would bring with me? And what would I say?
I mean, I'm just lucky if they won't notice that I'm already wearing a diaper.

After another ten minutes, Mr. Nelson arrives and William and I enter the backseat of the car.
"Did you have a good time?" Mr. Nelson asks while looking back at us.
"Yeah, it was fun." I say.
"Absolutely." William says.
"That's good to hear." Mr. Nelson smiles at us before turning his head forwards and drives away.

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