10. Troublemakers

189 35 210

"Chloe Scot--"

Before the teacher could finish her sentence, Noah got up from his seat and yelled, "Liam!"

Liam got up from his seat and did a thumbs up at Noah. The whole class watched on in silence and confusion.

Suddenly, Liam pointed outside the window, "Look! Shawn Mendes!"

What the-

Almost all the students were out of their seats at once, the girls and fanboys had started squealing and the rest were super confused.

"Students!" the teacher barked, but no one listened of course.

Then, there were loud cries from the first benches. I turned to see the pale faces of four to five guys, who were covering their... butts.

"What's wrong?" the teacher asked them.

"Someone had super glued us to the seat and now our... our..." one of them stuttered.

My eyes widened when I understood what they meant and I squirmed in my seat to check if--

"Hahaha! Relax, hobo. It was only for those dumbasses. This is just payback for some shit they pulled last week," Noah said from beside me.

I was about to turn to face him, but remembered in time and got up from my seat.

"What the hell is happening?" I shouted above all the noise.

"Oh, nothing," he waved me off, "I'm just helping someone"

"How exactly are you helping someone by all this trouble?" I asked while packing all my books in the bag.

There was a loud screech from the popular 'Chloe' and I turned to see her holding her bag upside down... bag from which bird poop was leaking...

Everyone got away from her, and I couldn't help scrunching up my nose.

Noah and Liam were laughing full heartedly at the mess they had created.

"Hey, where is Shawn?" some girl yelled.

"I think he is in disguise!" someone else hollered.

Meanwhile, there was another scream from a girl in the third row.

"Rats! Rats! Rats!"

"Oh my god! What the hell did you do Noah, you annoying SOB?" I shrieked then, slapped a hand over my mouth.

Noah who was looking towards the other side, first stilled, then, slowly started turning his head in my direction. I grabbed my bag and bolted out of there, jumping and dodging the rats on the way.


"Damn!" Caleb exclaimed, "I wish I was there!"

I exhaled a breath, "My whole freaking existence is at line here. I won't be able to go to school again,"

"But, you got to skip after English period. So lucky," Soph pouted.

"I wish I was there to see Liam in action," Mia sighed dreamily.

"Urm sure, why don't you ask him for videos?" Soph suggested, "I'm sure someone must have filmed the whole thing,"

I ignored them and lied back on the couch, "It took a lot to fake a headache and take a half day leave."

My friends had arrived at my house directly after school to gather details about the whole incident.

"What are you going to do now?" Caleb asked, stuffing his mouth with popcorn.

"I don't know," I sighed.

"Maybe you should stop talking to him..." Mia suggested uncertainly.

"I agree with Mia. Make some excuse and disappear..." Soph added as Caleb swatted her hands away from the popcorn.

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