Heaven or Hell

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Your POV

You were helping Charlie sweep until an angel walked into the hotel. You put your broom up as if you were playing baseball and Charlie shot a fireball at the angel. The angel groaned and spoke.

"Frick! I was here to tell y'all Y/N is gonna be redeemed into Heaven. Your departure is in a week. If you don't come, we'll come to you and drag you into Heaven. Frick..."

The angel then walked out holding his nose. You and Charlie both exchanged looks. Charlie hugged you tightly and you hugged her back. You two were practically jumping up and down. You were finally going to Heaven! You didn't even spend a year and Hell and you were already being sent to Heaven! You noticed Alastor at the corner of your eye. He looked upset. You realized something. What about Alastor? Would you ever see him again? Maybe during the Extermination, but you would have to kill him. Huh, so you'll never see Alastor again... Heaven doesn't seem so nice now... Charlie noticed you were stumped.

"What's wrong? You're being redeemed into Heaven! You'll finally escape this place!"

You shook your head.

"I'm starting to like Hell. I know Heaven is probably the best choice for me, but I'll miss Hell."

Charlie put her hand on your shoulder for comfort.

"Don't worry, you'll have until next Saturday to decide."

Charlie then walked off with a smile. You stood there in deep thought. You then walked over to the bar where Husk was shining a booze bottle. You sat down, staring at the ground. Husk waited for you to say what you wanted. You were both in silence for a good 30 seconds before Husk spoke up, impatient.


"Oh! Uhm, some whiskey would be nice."

You weren't a heavy drinker, and Husk could tell something was up.

"I know when something's wrong, kid. What's wrong?"

Husk slid the drink towards you and you caught it. You took a sip before speaking in an upset tone.

"I'm being redeemed into Heaven."

Husk seemed confused. He thought about it for a bit before asking.

"Isn't that what you wanted? To be free from this hellhole? I mean, all your problems would be solved"

You sighed.

"It's not that. It's the people."

Husk rolled his eyes.

"I don't think I'm that good of a person, Charlie is just overexcited all the time, Vaggie is short tempered and hot headed, Angel is a high drunk whore, Nifty is a crazy maid, and Hell overall is just awful."

You shook your head.

"I can't stop thinking about Alastor."

Husk pauses.


"I can't stop thinking about Alastor. He's the only one who's been there for me. He helped me throughout my time in Hell. I can't just leave him. I couldn't live with myself. I'd miss him. I love him, Husk. I really do. I don't even get a choice if I wanna go to Heaven or not."

It felt amazing to get that off your chest. Husk thought about it for a bit and then suggested something.

"What if you signed your soul off to someone?"

The idea of someone owning you sickened you.

"Why would I do that?"

Husk rolled his eyes.

"Take Angel Dust for example. He can't be redeemed no matter how hard he tries. As long as Valentino owns his soul, he's stuck here in Hell with his owner."

You thought about it. Valentino owning your soul for exchange and you stay in Hell. Brilliant!

"Thanks Husk, I'll go to the Porn Studio right now!"

You ran off to the studio. Husk tried to stop you.

"Wait I meant-"

Before Husk could finish, you were gone. Husk rolled his eyes and finished his sentence.


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