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"Can I ask you something" She asked laying there under the blanket gazing towards the fan.
He hummed.
"When did you broke up with your...ummm...girlfriend." she said the thing which had been playing with her brain for almost a day.

She turned towards him as she sensed his gaze towards herself.
"What? I was just asking." She fumbled with her words as she knew her words would definitely have made anyone wildstruck.

"I think you should sleep." Saying this he raised the blanket upon his face and acted to sleep. But this wasn't gonna let her sleep today.
Holding his hand under the blanket , she shifted a little towards him and muttered "Please tell me."

"We never broke up." As soon as this words came out of his mouth her jaw hung down and she blinked her eyes trying to believe it. A numerous thoughts came in her brain just by a single sentence of his.

What if he was forced to marry her! Her eyes widened.

He peeked his head out of the blanket and looked at her getting worried. She had creases on her forehead and her lips puckered up a little. Looking at her, he thought to explain it in detail.

"She was not my girlfriend..." He began but she interrupted "But you said that..."
He rolled his eyes and said "First listen. She was not my girlfriend. I never even called her that and she was just a friend who stays in my neighbourhood. We starting talking when we had a function in our locality. Then we met few times. I never talked to any girl so my friends finding it funny started calling her my girlfriend and jokingly, we all started just calling her that, even my Mummy teased me once. So break up isn't even the case here ." He explained her.

He took both of her hands in his and said "You know I like you, right?"
She looked confusingly and shook her head.
"You never told me. How would I have known?" She said.

"The way I looked at you like a creep in the wedding, you could have understood. Everyone did. My mother even took me in a corner and gave me an earful not to behave like that and maintain a straight face in the wedding ." He said.
She chuckled and crimson red appeared on her cheeks. He smilingly looked at her.

Holding her right cheek he kissed on her left one. She blushed again patting his hand away and he chuckled.
"Let's sleep." He said avoiding his inner turmoil.
She nodded and they slept with their hands interwined .

Waking up to the new day , full with a new enthusiasm and a determination to make it more better than yesterday, she came into kitchen

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Waking up to the new day , full with a new enthusiasm and a determination to make it more better than yesterday, she came into kitchen.

She felt joyous as she heard the birds chirping in the backyard through the window of her kitchen while making his tea. She shivered as another wave of air hit her coming from window.

That Perfect Smile of HimWhere stories live. Discover now