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This is my first book i'm writing one part at a time. I usually write the whole thing, then go back through for grammar mistakes. I will be going back over this to correct any mistakes, so bare with me.


Walking out of work, run down and depressed. I wrapped my sweater around me tighter. The cold winter wind sliced through my skin like cold knives . I hate my job but I need it. Ever since I was 16, I emancipated myself so I wouldn't have to put up with the drugs and alcohol around me constantly, not to mention the shady people that came with it.
So here I am, almost 21 and working 2 full-time jobs just to have a roof over my head and food in my fridge. I get lonely a lot because I have no one. I don't have time to have friends or a boyfriend. I don't speak to my family for obvious reasons. My mom always told me I'd never have anyone to love me because I didn't know how to have a good time, that I had a stick up my ass but I'd rather be looked at that way than be looked at as a drug addict.
I've almost made it to my car when I see someone standing in the shadows where all the sheds for sale are. I work in a large hardware store, and we have about 6 sheds set out in the parking lot for sale. Whoever this person is he looks creepy, I can only tell it's a man due to height and build he's standing, so the shadows are covering his face, but I just know he's staring at me. I just pray to myself that he doesn't rob me or kidnap me. I walk a little faster, practically jumping in my car and locking the doors immediately. I don't even look up again to see if the guy is still standing there. I just peel out of the parking lot and take a deep breath, thankful nothing happened.
I pull up to my run down apartment building and sigh I wish I could afford something a little nicer but I'm grateful I'm not homeless because I have come close to that a couple of times while I was looking for steady work. Not many people wanted to hire a teen for full time because of school. I eventually quit school, got my ged, and was able to get 2 just above minimum wage jobs. It's enough for my rent utilities and food. I've been trying to save up to get my car fixed she's on her last leg and I have no idea what I'll do if she breaks down, all I can do is hope she hangs on until I have the money to bring her to the mechanic. It's not like my jobs are close by they're both 20-minute drive away, which means walking would take an hour more or less. If I have to walk I will but I hope it doesn't come to that. I barely have enough time to get ready in between my 2 jobs, but luckily, I have a well-deserved day off tomorrow so I can get some cleaning and organizing done around my place.
I run up the stairs to my second story apartment, hoping I don't get stopped on the way by one of the dealers that hang around here. So far, I haven't seen any, which is kind of odd at this time of night.
Once I'm in my house and the door is locked I plop down on my couch and just rest a minute "come on Mel get up and shower then sleep" I mutter to myself trying get motivation to move.
Once i make it to my shower, I turn it on almost as hot as it will go and just sit down under the spray. I love sitting under the shower it makes me feel like I'm sitting in the rain, the rains just hot. I giggle to myself at my internal chatter. But who else am I going to talk to? Nope, I won't let myself go there tonight. I don't need to feel sad on top of dog tired.
I get out of the shower and dress into some of my fuzzy sleep pants and a big t shirt my stomach starts growling at me and I realized I hadn't eaten today, I didn't have time. I worked through my lunch because we were busy. I drag myself into the kitchen to get a quick bite so I can finally go to sleep. I decide on a microwave pizza and sit on the couch waiting for it to be done cooking.
I must have fallen asleep because I jerk up awake from a noise. I look around my small apartment but see nothing out of place, just the timer going off on the microwave. "Get it together, Mel, it's just the microwave." I roll my eyes at my dramatics. I grab my little deep dish pizza, sit down, and start to take a bite when I hear a loud bang on my front door. "What the hell?" No one knocks on my door except the landlord, and I already paid him this month. My heart rate picks up, and my nerves go out of control. Why am I being such a baby? I'm a grown ass woman it's probably someone that got the wrong apartment number. I stand up but grab my bat from next to the front door before opening it. I peak outside as much as I can with my chain still hooked on the door I'm about to close it when I see a black rose and a note sitting on the ground in front of my door.
I take the lock off my door and pick up the rose and letter "Wow the rose is real." I've never seen one before. it's absolutely beautiful. I sit back down on my couch, food forgotten, just staring at this rose and note. I'm dying to see what it says but also afraid it's something horrible.
Ok, I'm opening it! I tell myself sternly
I take the note out of the envelope and pause before unfolding it. I shrug my shoulders, taking a deep breath and starting to unfold it. Live and learn, I guess.

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