Y/N, Sarah, and Kie.

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Sarah: Y/N what happened.

Kie: Thats not like you at all tell us what happened please.

Kie added Unknown

Y/N: I'm acc so done w Rafe n all of his bs hes aruging w me all the fucking time n im acc sick of it he told his friend to post him on his snapchat story for girls to swipe up n add him all bc i called him my friend but the only reason i called him my friend was bc he lied to me for the past 6 months and i bet u any money he lied to me way before that too.

Y/N: I hate him so fucking much and I really want to hate him but I can't, Its too much, I could never hate him. Although he lied to me he never switched up untill now, n im not saying that u guys n the rest of The Pouges dont defend me n try n protect me and stuff but Rafe.

Y/N: That's all he ever did. he was so overprotective of me and I would pretend like I hated it but I Loved it so fucking much. he would do absolutely anything for me even if i was in the wrong he wouldnt even give a fuck n still defend me he protected me from everything and I vented to him about so much stuff you guys don't even know and now hes telling everyone everything. I miss him so fucking much and I really really really want to go back Like I really do I miss him so fucking much n he will always and forever mean the world to me. But I acc cannot keep on going back anymore. It's not okay and I need to stop it. And I'm sorry for venting sbt this part especially for you Sarah because It's your brother that I am talking about but Shit he was so good. Like I cannot, I remember one time I couldn't even go to skl on day bc I looked like I got beat in the neck n all over my shoulders n stuff like that n he would always ask me if I was okay and that If he makes me feel okay. He would made all the cute couple tiktok trends w me and me n him would lit shit talk everyone we hated but off point he was fucking amazing and he would rarely ever call me by my name it would always be princess or like baby or some hot shit like that and i remember for the longest fucking time I went on his phone once and i thought he didn't have my number saved so I asked him abt it n he was like go to search and search W so I did it and I was under as wife n it was so fucking hot n like one of my favortie things that he would do is like its kind of embarrassing to say to you guys but idec anymore but he would say shit like good girl and bad girl when I would do something good or bad n he was so controlling over me and I hated it but it was just Rafe so i let him and I'm sorry again for this Sarah and Kie, Both of you but when I was with him, He could never take his hands off of me. Like never, he could never leave me alone, I feel like he felt that i was going to run away from him and I miss that and i miss him so fucking much and of course I fucking want him back he was the best person I have ever had in my entire life and I just acc don't understand why he's acting like this he has to understand where I'm coming from. Like obviously I don't just want to be your friend I have wanted to be more then that since I was fucking 5.

Unknown: I have wanted to be more than friends with you since I held you when you were first born baby.

Kie: Sorry Y/N.

Sarah: were not apart of this talk anymore.

Sarah: You too have some fun.

Y/N: fucking hate u both goodbye I am jot talking to him

Y/N left the group.
Kie added Y/N to the group
Y/N left the group
Kie added Y/N to the group.

Sarah: STOP



Unknown: Like fuck do u wanna b taught a lesson like oh my God.

Y/N: Like why you you guys add him thats so embarrassing now he has to read all that after I told him i dont care.

Sarah: Y/N did you cry.

Y/N: Of course I fucking cried I am crying like.

Sarah: Talk to eachother please this not good you need to figure this out plus you cant leave eachither just like that Rafe you litteraly got a tattoo of her name on your spine so you have to figure this out.

Y/N: Ya well he can get it removed.

Rafe: I don't want to though.

Rafe: I told you so many times baby, I am so sorry, I never wanted to hurt you even though I did. I didn't want to. And I'm going to tell you the truth, I only ever did them when you weren't there, It was because you were my drug. And I know you probably think that, that is embarrassing but it's not. You are right. I would do everything I have ever done for you again, And Again, And Again. I would do it, every single little thing even if I had 100 lives, I would still do it in every single on of them. I understand that you are mad at me, And you have every right to be. But i just want you to know that If I ever overdose, I will be watching over you.

Y/N: Rafe please stop.

Y/N: Rafe please stop I'm actually crying this is not okay.

Rafe: I know that it's not, I just want you to know that.

Rafe: You will always be the person I love. Even if I am with another girl, I wpuld never love them, Just take my heart Y/N it's already full of you.

Rafe: And I miss you even more than you would ever fucking know.

Rafe: And I want you too just saying

Y/N: I don't want to fight with you anymore.

Y/N: I don't want anyone to get inbetween us anymore.

Rafe: Me too. I never ever wanted anybody to come inbetween us, So lets just stop.

Rafe: Please.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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