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THE usually group were currently on the way to the deli. And of course, Aaliyah and notti just got done arguing. The entire group were used of their constant arguing so they didn't bother breaking it up.

"Stupid dickhead." Aaliyah said as they were almost to the deli.

Notti just shook his head. He was too tired to go back and forget with the girl. But he was still going to of course.

"Just dead it, you sound stupid." Notti said as Aaliyah turned to look at him annoyed.

"And you look stupid." Aaliyah said quickly as notti smacked his teeth. He wished the girl had a mute button.

"Yo you mad childish, how old are you." Notti said in a bored tone as Aaliyah rolled her eyes.

"Bro shut up, it's over why do you continue to try and argue with me." Aaliyah said annoyed as notti was still unbothered.

dd, ddot, and Zoey all groaned at the same time. The two had been arguing since the group left ddots home. And that was 10 minutes ago..

"Can yall just let it go?" dd asked. He was tired he kept having to hear the two argue like they were children.

"I'll let it go when ya brother shuts up." Aaliyah said as notti mugged her.

"Go play in traffic." Notti said as Aaliyah looked at him with her mouth wide open.

"You really not funny..like at all." Aaliyah said irritated and honestly fed up. At first she was liking it, but now notti wouldn't shut up.

"Wasn't tryna be." Notti said as Aaliyah rolled her eyes before opening the door to the deli.

She held the door open for everybody else, but quickly shut it when notti was about to walk in.

She then flicked him off before walking in the store. Notti just shook his head at the girl before opening the door and walking in.

Notti thought Aaliyah was acting childish, she kept starting with him and honestly he was tired of going back and forth.

He didn't have the energy today, usually he would be eating her up but he decided to be the bigger person.

Notti walked over to the chip section. Aaliyah was there also, and when she saw notti she quickly rolled her eyes before going to a different isle.

Notti internally rolled his eyes. He decided to just ignore the girl as he picked up the rest of what he wanted before going to the counter to pay.

The rest of the group besides notti already paid for their stuff so notti hurriedly paid before exiting the deli.

As soon as Aaliyah saw notti she threw her head back groaning almost immediately complaining.

"About time, like everybody already out- Aaliyah word to, shut the fuck up." Notti said cutting her off as she quickly got quiet.

"Don't tell me to- Shut the fuck up." Notti said again cutting her off.

Aaliyah was pissed off. Nobody was gonna tell her she couldn't talk. She was being annoying yes, but she didn't care.

"You shut the fuck up." Aaliyah said before she started walking away.

The rest of the group was behind her and she was on her phone continuing the walk to the boys house.

They were all hanging out today, but Aaliyah and notti refused to say they were hanging with eachother.

Zoey decided to go comfort her bestfriend. She knows Aaliyah and she knew that she was a bit upset.

Aaliyah hates when people tell her what to do, especially if she was already doing/about to do it.

But in this case, notti told her straight up to shut up. And Aaliyah was embarrassed, mainly because she listened.

Zoey quietly removed herself from ddot's hug as she looked up at him reassuring him that she was gonna come back.

Ddot nodded his head as Zoey quickly caught up with her bestfriend. She knew she was very upset and she wanted to let Aaliyah know she was there for her.

"You good boo?" Zoey asked Aaliyah as she wrapped her arms around her. Aaliyah just nodded before Zoey gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Aaliyah really loved Zoey, especially in times like this when Aaliyah just wants to be comforted.

Aaliyah wouldn't know what to do without Zoey. She helped her in the darkest times in her life and Aaliyah would forever appreciate that.

ddot and dd thought notti and Aaliyah's constant arguing was build up tension. It had been 5 months it's no way they hated eachother as much as they say they did.

"Nigga go say sorry." Ddot said turning to his bestfriend as notti immediately mugged him.

"Nah you got it, fuck her." Notti said as dd let out a laugh before ddot looked at him making him go quiet.

"Don't say that shit, you prolly hurt her feelings." dd said now to his brother as notti then quickly mugged him. Why were they taking her side? Notti was now pissed off.

"Why yall taking her side the fuck?" Notti said as dd and ddot just shook their heads before continuing to walk behind Zoey and Aaliyah.

Notti would never apologize to the girl. Especially since she started it, he just went lower and that wasn't his fault.

So now notti had an attitude and just stayed quiet for the rest of the walk home. And dd and ddot felt kind of bad because they were the cause of notti's now attitude. But he would get over it hopefully.

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