New mission Soldat ›2

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I don't understand how everything could go to hell so quickly.

The mission failed, if we returned to HYDRA they would kill us themselves, we preferred to escape.

Or at least I escape, but I drag the soldier with me, he should also be free, but after so long of being controlled he doesn't appreciate having his own opinion about anything, not even about himself.

We were both hurt from all the fight there was, we needed to rest.

The soldier seemed to be losing blood more and more,I could feel how he was walking slower and slower.

But we couldn't stop, not yet, we had to find somewhere to spend the night.

I could hear the soldier grunting in pain, almost begging for us to take a break, but we can't, if we stop they would catch up with us, and I don't want to go back to the rat cave that is HYDRA.

-We're almost there.- I lied, I didn't even know where we were going, hopefully we would find somewhere to spend the night.

We entered an apartment building, they didn't seem very luxurious and we could find one that was empty.

We carefully entered one of the apartments, the soldier entered and fell on the sofa, needing to rest, but I still had to make sure that no one was there.

I saw photos of families on the wall, I was worried that the family was here, I entered one of the rooms and there was no one, I went to the next one which seemed to belong to the parents and there was no one.

I sighed, fate had smiled on us, we entered an empty apartment, the owners maybe were on vacation.

I returned to the soldier who was still lying on the couch, putting pressure on the bullet wound in his abdomen, it seemed serious.

I turned on the heater and went to the bathroom to get a first aid kit, I guess now the soldier would be my responsibility, I dragged him into this, although I had saved him after all, I saved him from the clutches of HYDRA.

_The wound, show me._ I said seriously, asking him to sit down so I could heal it more easily.

He didn't say anything and obey me, he sat down and uncovered his abdomen, letting me see that bullet wound, it wasn't that deep but it would be painful to get it out.

I sighed as I took out what I would need from the first aid kit, alcohol, gauze, gloves, bandages, and some tweezers that I found in the bathroom, I put on the gloves and disinfected the tweezers.

I had no experience in this, but the HYDRA medicals had been done to me so many times that I knew how to do it.

I held my breath while I inserted the tweezers into the small wound, trying to take the bullet and not kill the soldier in the attempt, I could hear the soldier complaining, I was finally able to take the bullet and took out the tweezers being careful not to hurt the soldier any more. soldier.

I was able to remove the bullet successfully and I could finally breathe. I left the tweezers and the bullet on the coffee table in the living room and began to clean the wound.

The wound wasn't big so I figured no stitching would be necessary, I just put some gauze on it and bandaged it.

-Like new.- I murmured as I left the first aid kit on the coffee table in the living room, sighing with relief knowing that the soldier was no longer in danger.

I had almost no wounds, the occasional scratch that would heal on its own, but other than that I was fine.

I looked at the soldier who seemed a little calmer, but he didn't speak to me and I understood, he must have been confused by everything that had happened.

★‧˚Bucky Barnes-One Shots・˚₊༉ Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora