Season 2: Edge of the World

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[In the kitchen of the Owl House, King has prepared a spread of food, Luz and Y/n (in their Grom attire) compliments him for his great work. King thanks her, hoping that "they" will like it. Right then, Hooty announces that they have visitors as Eda opens the door, revealing a mustached demon with a fedora and two little demons who resemble King. Eda welcomes them to the house, and King is excited that they were able to make it, greeting the demon as his father and hugging him. King's "father" says they are glad they saw the video King made on Penstagram, offering to play a game of catch after the dinner and introducing King to the young demons who hug their brother. Before they start eating, King's dad reminds them to give thanks. King volunteers, stating he is grateful that his demon family finally got to meet his owl family, which he realizes feels just like a dream. Eda starts calling out King's name, and King is shown waking up back in the Owl House, revealing that he was merely dreaming.]

Y/n: King... King, come on. It's time to wake up.

King: Nyeh! [Jolts up.] What's going on? Is there trouble?

Eda: We're about to find out.

[Eda, Y/n, and King peek out from the doorway. Cut to Luz kneeling down in front of a table in the living room with a sad expression on her face.]

Y/n: Luz is ready to talk.

[Luz then goes on to explain what happened during the events of "Hollow Mind". The scene changes to show King and Hooty looking at Luz with a shocked expression on their faces. Eda and Y/n look down at the drawings, hand clasping over their mouth. They both then look up at Luz. Cut to Luz sitting across the table staring back at them, wearing Eda's letterman jacket and looking despondent. She is covered with a blanket and holding a cup of hot drink. King's toy plushies is stacked behind her.]

[Cut to Eda facepalming herself.]

Y/n: [He exhales.] Wow... this...

Eda: [Inhales deeply.] This is just a lot to take in.

Luz: We don't have time to take anything in. We have to stop Belos! I- I was a part of his plan! I-I fell for everything!

[As Luz speaks, she stands up and hugs herself. She then becomes emotional and starts tearing up, almost on the verge of crying.]

Eda: King, Y/n, you know what to do. [King and Y/n go up to hug her.] Well, one thing's for sure. People can tell when you've been inside their head. It's only a matter of time before Belos sends his scouts over here. You need to hide.

Luz: I'm not hiding. I'm gonna stop Belos from completing the Draining Spell. I... just... need to figure out how.

Y/n: And besides, if it's just scouts we can handle them.

[Lilith suddenly appears at the door way along with Owlbert.]

Lilith: Edalyn! I came as fast as I could. Owlbert filled me in on the Draining Spell. Oh, Titan, I can't believe this is what the Day of Unity was about the whole time. Ugh, I was such a fool, a dolt, a chump, a-

Eda: Hey, no pity parties in this house. Besides, Luz is upset enough as it is.

[Luz turns around and stares at Lilith, teary-eyed, whimpering.]

Y/n: Shh, it's ok Luz... [Pats her head.]

Lilith: You're right. I'll do anything to help.

[Hooty gets really close to Lilith and squishes her face.]

Hooty: Lulu! I am so happy to see you, I could- I could... [Something goes up from inside Hooty's stomach towards his mouth as he makes a retching sound. In the process, King gets dragged by the garbage.] Oh, here it comes! [Hooty proceeds to throw up some garbage and spirits he had swallowed before on the ground (and unintentionally, King).]

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