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After announcing the other groups professor makes her way out and wished all the students best of luck for their project.

Maya came to serra's seat and told her " Serra go and tell maam that you don't want to be in this group and replace you with me".

Serra looked towards her and said " Why would I do that I don't have any problem with my group if you any than go and tell her I am not going to change my group".

Although Serra was little scared that how she gonna work with that devil called yuaan but that doesn't mean she is going to back off from this big opportunity.

Yuaan, Sidharth and Ekansh came and stand in front of their bench Sidharth raised his eyebrow at maya and asked " Do you have any problem? " Maya looked towards them and said "yes I want to be in your group but she doesn't let me in tell her to change with me".

Sidharth looked at Serra who was looking downward then looked at maya and said " Why would she do that you hear by yourself what professor said and we don't want to change our group members we are happy to have them".

After listening sidharth seera looked at him. Sidharth know that Serra is scared of all three of them and he didn't like that.

"But... " Maya was going to say something when yuaan interuppted in between and said "didn't you listen what he said". After looking at him she just back off.

Ekansh clapped his hand and grabbed everyone's attention " Ok guys meet us at cafeteria after class on our table we gonna discuss all the details there" He then looked towards Serra and Ahaana and said " Okay ladies and.. Gentlemen" Said to aryan after seeing him.

After the classes got ended Serra and her friends made their way to the cafeteria when they reach there they saw that yuaan and his friends are already there Ekansh noticed them and waved his hands to call them.

They reached their table Aryan and Ahaana take their seat now the only seat which was empty was beside Yuaan Serra hesitant a little and going to sit there when suddenly maya came and sat on her place.

Everyone's started looking at her and Serra who was standing beside the chair.

Ahaana said to maya " Why are you sitting here? Yeh Serra ki seat hai woh baithne wali thi utho yahaan se".

Maya looked at her and said " Why should I stand up I always sit here daily Serra doesn't so it's my seat".

Ahaana was going to argue when sid said " And who told you that this seat is yours".
" I always sit here at lunch break and we eat our lunch together" She touched yuaan's arm and said " Right yuaan tell him".

Sid replied " But we never invited you to come and sit with us you invited yourself we never said anything because we don't give a fuck about you but now stand the fuck up and leave. our group member is standing there waiting to take her seat and never show your face at our table again".

After listening to all these Ekansh,Aryan and Ahaana were not able to hold their laughter but stopped laughing when maya glared at them and feeling insulted she stands up quickly and started going. Serra took her place beside yuaan. She looked at sid and smiled a little. Sid also looked at her and nodded his head.

Maya was going out side when yuaan said " And Maya don't you dare to touch me again other wise you don't know what I will do". After listening to this Serra looked at yuaan with wide eyes yuaan looked at Serra and Serra broke the eye contact.

Ekansh interuppted everyone and sad " Ok guys we already know each other but let's start with a official introduction. "Hii guys my self Ekansh Raghuvanshi" Every one smiled at him ekansh signed towrds sid and he said " Hi I am Sidharth Kapoor" .

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