CH : 10 - Confession or not? - Cloud recesses arc (part 7)

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Wei Wuxian let out a frustrated groan.

"Just confess to her and get it over with! What's the worst that can happen? Rejection? You'll be able to get over it. Now go!"

While saying this Wei Wuxian was urging his brother and pushed him out of the room.

From inside the room he screamed to Jiang Cheng that he wasn't allowed to enter again unless he confessed to Ya Meiying.

Knowing that Wei Wuxian meant it when he said that he wouldn't let him into his own room again.

Jiang Cheng then, frustrated, begins to walk in the way to the female lounge to talk to the female.


Jiang Cheng quickly reached Ya Meiying's room.

Pondering for a bit if he should really confess or not, he decides to knock on the door and actually do it.

The worst that could happen is rejection and that's that.

He gathered his courage and knocked gently three times.

He waited a bit before the door opened, revealing a girl with somewhat messy hair.

"Can I come in?"

He asked. He thought that she for sure would wait and ponder over the request before answering but she simply said, with no hesitation :

"Sure! Come on in."

As he took his first step in he remembered something.

He doesn't have any flowers or anything considered romantic to give the girl while confessing!

You know what they say, a brother to the rescue!

[Fandom : I'm pretty sure that's not what they actually say.]

Wei Wuxian came running down the halls with a bouquet of flowers and a wrapped box.

After realizing that he sent his brother off without a gift of confession, he got out of Gusu as fast as possible and brought a light green flower look-alike hair pendant, wrapped it in a box and brought a bouquet of flowers.

He ran as fast as possible and seeing that his brother's love life was on the line, he got on his sword and flew directly into the halls of the Lan clan.

Truthfully, that is not what motivated him the most.

He had made a bet with Nie Huaisang about Jiang Cheng.

It was about whether he would get a lover in one week or not.

Nie Huaisang was sure he would win and thus put 10 Emperor's smile jars on the line.

No way would Wei Wuxian be willing to let go of 10 jars of his favorite wine.

Thus he made the impossible possible.

      - Back to Jiang Cheng

He was astounded as his brother pulled him as fast as possible out of Ya Meiying's room.

He told her to excuse them for a moment and closed the door with her being inside and them outside.

After going to a safe zone where Wei Wuxian was sure that the girl wouldn't hear them he started talking a little out of breath.

"What were you thinking trying to confess to a girl without any gifts!?"

"What do you think!? You just told me to go find her and confess and nothing else?"

"Ok fair point but we don't have the time to argue. Here, i bought some gifts. Take them and confess!"

While at the end of his sentence he started pushing Jiang Cheng towards the girl room.

Jiang Cheng had no time to argue back as Wei Wuxian didn't waste any time and knocked on the door and fled.

Leaving Jiang Cheng alone with the gifts and nervous as sh^t infront of the door.

When the door opened again, he was stunned.

Ya Meiying was no longer clad in the guest disciple outfit. Instead she had on a beautiful white and green dress that complimented her hair perfectly and displayed jer slim figure.

Her hair was no longer a mess as it was beautifully done in a way were she got the foremost parts of the hair into a braid connecting to the back of the hair. The rest of her hair rested on her shoulders and dangled down covering the back of her neck.

For a moment, Jiang Cheng felt that time had stopped and that he could look at this person for all of eternity.

When he snapped out of his trance, he found himself staring at Meiying.

Embarrassed, a blush formed on his face.

He didn't know what came over him but he simply did not have the courage to confess his feelings that he himself was not so sure about yet.

Out of pure impulse and trying to find an excuse as to why he was here he said :

"Wei Wuxian wanted to give you these!"

He didn't have enough courage to look her in the face, so he simply put the gifts in her hands and ran away with a blush visible on his face.

Frustration started to build up the farther he ran away but that didn't make him stop.

He ran all the way to his room.

When he stopped in front of the door, he smacked it open and smacked it close.

Wei Wuxian who was sitting on Jiang Cheng's bed rose up quickly to know who it was that intruded the room so angrily.

To his surprise it was Jiang Cheng.

Excitedly, he asked :

"So? How did it go?"

Jiang Cheng didn't answer and instead hung his head low and walked to the bed.

Slowly he sat on the bed and covered hi face with his hands.

He let out a frustrated sigh and hung his head even lower.

Wei Wuxian got the hint and said.

"Oh, hell no! You are absolutely NOT gonna give up and make me lose the chance to get 10 free jars of Emperor's smile! Get your ass up and go confess already! Or! Do you want to be called a coward by me for all eternity and let me spread the fact that you slept in her room and end both your and her love life for good!?"


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