Chapter 1: Before the After

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A chilling anticipation hung in the air as if the darkness itself was poised to ensnare Ari in its embrace. Upon his return to Sascha's home he sat and ruminated over the words Ylanan said to him. Thoughts of Kaval, Auovin, and Cyrus swirled together, creating a tumultuous blend of anger, sadness, and madness within him.

Ari came to an answer as the early rays of light peeked from the window. He rose, dusted off his pants and called for his cat. Once he gathered her in his arms, Ari made his way down the stairs and out the door, never looking back.

To become a god and become, yet again, a pawn in someone's sinister game was not what he wanted. Ylanan had not forgiven Auovin. His words said one thing but his eyes said another. Ari scoffed. He put on quite a display with his angelic form, but Ari knew it for what it was––a ruse. Nothing more and nothing less. Ylanan wanted to hurt Auovin and for some misguided reason he thought it would be through him. Naive of him, really. Auovin did not care for him, not as deeply and as passionately as Ylanan thought he did. If he ever did. Tears welled into Ari's eyes at the thought.

The cat moved in his arms reaching forward to lick his cheeks now covered in fresh tears. How he loved him so and ached to be near him. Even after the bitter half-truths and deceit Ari received from him, Ari thought his heart would burst into pieces if he was away from him for a moment longer. The least he could have done after everything was tell him why and not leave him to conjure up false reasons of his own. Nothing made sense. Not his words to him that night. Not his touch, his smiles, his scorching embrace. Ari muffled his sobs into the cat unable to walk further without feeling like he was cracking, breaking into pieces like his heart.

But that was before.

Ari had not let himself shed a single tear in the forty years since that day. The demons grew in number and became more violent through those years. With Nolan's disappearance, the Khaeo's numbers dwindled. They were outnumbered and soon overrun. Ari did not realize the severity of the situation until his endless listless wandering haze lessened, bringing him back to reality. By that time, it was too late.

Ari clasped Freir's cold, bony fingers in his hand. His brown eyes were clouded nearly gray. Freir could not see him, he knew, but Freir could still hear him well enough.

"Ari... is that you?" Freir cried.

Ari swallowed, choking back a sob.

"Yes," Ari answered.

"My boy... so you have finally come home."

"I should have come home sooner, " Ari mumbled, his voice breaking. The creaking of the wooden floor beneath him echoed through the room. "I am sorry."

"It is alright now, my boy... I had missed you and hoped to see you... before I go to where Rein is waiting."

Silent tears rained down Ari's face until his cheeks were wet with them. The scent of old demon blood, dirt, and the warmth of the fireplace mixed with the old memories of Freir and his childhood. His vision blurred, and what little piece of his heart remained was crumbling, dying with the man whom he called father.

Ari leaned over and hugged him, wishing he could turn back time and give himself back the stolen years he had wasted on a demon who did not love, who could not love–– not even himself. Ari wallowed in old pain for so long a new bitter pain was growing from it now. One that would grow only with time, filling with regret.

Freir took his trembling hand and placed it onto Ari's cheek. "I am so proud of you, Ari. No matter what you have done, become or will be. I am proud of you." Ari sobbed into him. "Ari... Ari, look at me."

Ari pulled away to look at him as best he could.

"Ari, my dear boy, my treasure, my heart... I love you," Freir rasped as he took his final breath. Freir's hand went limp in Ari's, causing Ari to grow still, as still as Freir lying quietly in a bed filled with thick wool blankets. It did not suit him. Not this hut. Not his worn, thin frame. None of this did. He was a strong, burly man that faced death with bloody fists and a scornful smile.

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