Yes To The Villainess - Chapter 26

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Aleris's POV:

I opened my eyes and realized slowly that I was in my bed "did Lilian carry me back here.." I pondered about it for a little while before just shrugging the thought

I got up from my bed and went to the bathroom, I took a short bath and changed into presentable clothing

Something comfortable but also something presentable, basically a dress

I walked around the garden and picked some flowers "hmm..since the garden here is big..maybe there's a also a pond here? I mean there's somehow always a pond in these gardens in those novels I read"

I thought to myself as I continued to walk around the garden to find a pond, after walking for a few minutes I came across a pond. It looked more like a lake though...since it was pretty big

"Aha! Found it" I said to myself as I smiled, I walked towards the lake and pulled the skirt of my dress up as I took my shoes off

As my feet touched the water I realized it was really cold, but the cold won't bother me anyway.

I walked through the pond and searched for a certain plant that is planted near water, an Iris spuria or in other words a blue iris.

"Where is it..." I said to myself as I continued to look, I don't particularly have a reason to find it. I just wanna place it inside a vase since it looks good

I continued to search and search, after a while I got out of the water and just laid down on the grass. It's soft, thankfully.

I sighed "I'm tired again..maybe I am lazy" I said to myself

"No, I should stop getting so tired all the time when I haven't even done anything that can actually make me tired"

I then sat up and took my skirt off, thankfully I had some short big puff pants underneath. That'll do

I began to walk towards the lake and stepped into the water as I continued my search for a blue iris.

After a few minutes of searching for it, I heard footsteps behind me. I didn't know who it was but it should just be one of the servants or my family

I ignored the presence behind me and continued looking, more minutes passed and I finally found it

I gasped in delight and smiled as I took it out from the ground, as I took it out some dirt got onto my blouse but I didn't really care about it

I was so happy as I held it up and turned around to show the person behind me what I found, as I did my eyes widened in shock as I saw who it was

"A-Ah...sir Kai" I said while a sweat ran down my face

"Miss Aleris..can you explain to me why your skirt is drenched and why you aren't wearing it?" He asked in a stern tone as he looked confused, very very confused

I let out a nervous laugh as I tried to explain "w-well..I wanted to find a certain flower-"

"did you have to walk in the water?" He asked me as he cut me off, I nodded slowly as I looked away

Sir Kai is really scary sometimes, he then sighed and grabbed my skirt from the ground and went near the water. He then started to drain all the water out of it, gripping on it tightly as to drain all the water adsorbed by the skirt 

He then started waving it around and handed it to me a few seconds later "Here, wear it again. It might still be a bit wet but at least it's not too wet nor cold anymore"

"Now go back inside the house, your maids are worried sick on where you are" He said calmly as he started to walk away

"Ah alright then, thank you Sir Kai" I said calmly as I started to walk to the opposite direction, towards the house, towards my room.

"Dammit it princess.."

Hours later, night time.

I sat on the chair near my desk as I looked up into the celling, I started to wonder about things

'Why would I get tired so easily?' 'Is it because of this body?' 'Why hasn't anything happened recently?' 'What time is it now?' 'How tall am I?'

I then shook my head slowly as an act to shake off all the thoughts out of my head, I then looked back to my desk and noticed a cabinet under it

I sat up straight and opened it, there I saw papers, letters, and a note book

I took it out and opens it, seemed like a diary to me

I began skimming through it until something caught my eye, I stopped on a random page and started reading it

'Dear diary,

How long has it been since I spent time with them? I miss my family..'

"Huh?...wait what.." I said to myself as I got confused, was the former Aleris not with her family when she wrote this? Or...was she like me?

'How long has it been since I arrived here? How have I been pretending? How long have I been waiting...where are you guys?..why did you leave me...why.'

The writings stopped there which left me confused...pretending? What was she pretending about? And who is she referring to..

"Well I mean yeah she's referring to her family but..gah never mind, this is too confusing bro" i said to myself as I turned to the next page

'Dear diary,

If you're reading this, I'm gone.'

"Wait what...what the hell.." I said to myself as I continued to read

'There's someone threatening me, I didn't commit suicide. I didn't stab myself, someone else did. I don't wanna die, no matter how tough and hard and stressful and scary everything is. I'm scared to die, I don't wanna die. If you're reading this, my friend. Then I know that your the one possessing my body now, the cabinet that you found this diary in is invisible and only my body can see it. Once you take this diary out of the cabinet, the cabinet will disappear. If you saw it then you are in my body, i trust that you haven't caused any trouble but listen to me. Do NOT trust anyone that you or I don't know. Everyone can be fake, trust yourself, Lilian, and our family. No one else, not even the servants, the guards, No one.'

Take care, my friend.

- Ali.'

I closed the diary then and there, I looked down to put it back in the cabinet but it was gone. The cabinet had disappeared...just like what it said in the diary

"What the hell..." I said to myself as I looked back at the diary

"What have I gotten myself into?.."

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