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It was Saturday, I wasn't sure how I was going to spend my day. I had been so wrapped up in work I really had not made time for myself. I lay in bed for a little while before deciding to get up and go to the nearby coffee shop. I was craving an iced caramel coffee. I jogged to the coffee shop down the road to see Johnathan, my boss there.

Johnathan was sitting at a table outside, sipping at his morning coffee and he looked up when I approached him, he had a smirk on his face which showed he wasn't surprised to see me. I smiled at him, "stalk me much."

"What can I say, I always notice when my employees are here and you're always so nice to look at." He smirked as he took another sip of his coffee and he seemed to be in a very good mood.

"Thank you, sir, for the compliment."

"You're welcome." He nodded his head before he paused and asked me a question. "So, how did your appointment with Archer go yesterday?"

I smiled at him. "It went swell."

"It did? I'm surprised, you usually leave him angry. I thought you guys got into another argument. What did you guys do to have such a good session?"

"We simply just communicated." 

He thought for a good minute as he sipped his coffee again. "Really? You made the most progress with him by just doing nothing and talking like normal? That's it?"

I smiled. "I took your advice and it worked." I lied. I couldn't tell him the truth or else he would remove me from being his shrink. 

He smiled, "Well, I am glad that you took my advice. I am the professional after all, I know what I am talking about." He said, arrogantly. He paused in between his sentences. "May I ask you a question?" His tone seemed, curious.

I nodded my head.

"This may come off as inappropriate, however, I find you really attractive. Would you want to go on a date with me next Saturday?" He asked, slightly smiling.

I was stunned. I have only been working here for a week, and he has only shown concern twice, the whole time I have been here. I cleared my throat. "Sir, I only just started to work here. I am still getting to know everyone in the building. I don't think it is smart to move on quickly in our relationship Why, we are only mere acquaintances, not even friends yet. Shall we build our friendship up before we even think about dating?" I did not want to hurt him, however, I also was not attracted to him in that way.

He smiled, yet he looked defeated. "Of course, I am sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I will try not to get too ahead of myself next time."

I tilted my head, "It's okay. Baby steps. That is all I am asking." I said with a confident smile. The rest of the morning coffee was peaceful. We got to know each other for a little bit before he needed to return home. I returned home shortly after he did and spent my weekend soaking in bubble baths and watching movies. I hoped that my next working days would not be as awkward as I feared them to be. The weekend came to a quick end and tomorrow was Monday.

Archer was escorted back to my office and was strapped down in his chair. He was in a better mood today it seemed as if he was grinning from ear to ear when he saw me walk in. He then spoke to me before I could even say anything.

"I wanna try something this session. Let's just talk like normal, talk about anything we want. I know it sounds weird, but I don't want you to bring up anything about my issues. I just want to make a good connection with you before we get deep in my feelings again."

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