Bonus 1

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"Lista?" Pablo asks his soon to be 4 year old daughter. The little girl nods excitedly from the back seat.
She clung onto her toy story lunch box's while she tried to fiddle with her neck le to get out. The two parents get out of the car and make their way to the girls door, opening it up for her and helping her out.
Pablo quickly crawls to the other side and checks up on the sleeping 6 month old Marco, before getting out and leaving the door open.
Melissa was squat down to Estelas height, holding the girl tightly.
"You're going to have so much fun." Melissa tells the girl. As much as she hated this, she knew she had to let her go. Her baby was growing up.

Pablo reaches out and places a hand on the little girls head to get her attention. Estela turns around happily to her dad, before hugging his legs.
"Mami and papi will be here to pick you up later, okay? Then we can go to my game. Be good, and be nice." Pablo tells her as he gets down to her height as well. Estela nods and wraps her arms around his neck. Pablo kisses the little girls cheek before they pull away.
"Te amo." He tells her before she walks back over to Melissa and takes her hand.
"Yo más." The little girl smiles. Melissa smiles sadly as she takes her hand and tell Pablo that she'll walk her to class.

Pablo nods and says goodbye to his daughter once more before they walk off and he head back to the drivers seat.
He bites his lip as he feel a knot in his throat.
Taking a deep breath, he glances back at the baby who he could see through the baby mirror.
"You guys grow up too fast." He mumbles.

After a few minutes, Melissa rushes back to the car. Before the boyfriend could even ask her if everything was fine, she broke down crying.
"She started to cry." The mother cries out. Pablo eyes widen and he opens the car door.
Melissa grabs him by the pants and sits him back down.
"I'm going to go get her." The dad says trying to get out again.
"I am not leaving my baby girl crying." He says.

"Sit down Pablo." Melissa says wiping her tears.
The two parents sit in the car, practically pouting until they had the courage to actually leave and go back home.

"I hate this." Pablo mumbled as he sets Marco's seat down at the foot of the couch. Before plopping down and taking him out and resting the baby against his chest.
Melissa sighs and joins her two boys, resting her head on Pablo's shoulder.
"She's growing up to fast." She whispers.
Pablo nods.

"She turns 4 soon. She going to pre-k. Soon she's going to be 18 asking me to teach her to drive." Melissa laughs and reaches over to gently stroke Marco's cheek.


"How was the first day?" Melissa asks as they get into the car.
"I was sad at first but then it got fun!"

"Tell mami why?" Pablo says getting into the car.
He turns to face his girlfriend with a "just wait."

"I made a friend." She says happily at her parents.
Melissa heart swells. "What'd their name?" She asks.
"Pedro! Just like Tio Pepi." She giggles. Melissa looks over at Pablo ask he shakes his head and starts to the car.
"A boy." He laughs as hit of, I don't like this, in his voice.
"That's great, baby." Melissa tells her daughter. "Right, Pablo?" She smacks his arms gently.

"Amazing, mi Vida." His days in a happy tone before mumbling.
"Ya mi va salir con estas cosas." He mutters under his breath, only to get a back hand from Melissa on his arm.
"Stop being jealous." She tells him. He rolls his eyes.
"I can't wait to go back." Estela say happily.

A/n: small random chapter

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