Chapter 2 | The Ride

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3rd of June

The spaceship glided effortlessly, moving towards the darkness of space. As they had about half an hour left before activating the leap drive to Proxima Centauri, Cole initiated a conversation with Styx to break the ice. 

"So, Lockland Styx, we've got a bit of time. Tell us about yourself. Don't want to feel like we're flyin' with a stranger," he said, while leaning back against his seat, nonchalantly tossing a small knife up and down in his hand.

Styx, slightly hesitant, responded while looking over his shoulder towards the pilot seat, "Well what exactly do you wanna know? Call me Styx for short if you want,"

"Just the basics, like where you're from, your background," Cole asked politely.

"I'm from Keatonope, a planet in Phobon One of the Galactic Family star systems. It's quite peaceful, especially compared to Hentoxa," Styx revealed, a faint smile appearing as he mentioned his home.

Curious about Styx and in his thoughts flipping a small knife in his hand, Cole accidentally nicked himself, a bit of blood appearing on his palm. Unfazed, he continued, "Which family controls Phobon One again? I always get mixed up with the three families and their star systems."

"Phobon One is under the Skilpa Family, Phobon Zero is controlled by the Wanau Family, and Galactica belongs to the Geastro Family. It sounds complex, but it's basic knowledge for us growing up there, learning it in school and all," Styx clarified, as he pivoted his seat to fully face Cole.

Cole, casually wiping the blood off his hand, nodded in acknowledgement. "We mostly travel to Galactica in our division. I think it's a hub for GravLiquor and other small liquor companies exporting to Hentoxa."

"That's right, I used to work for GravLiquor in the Galactic Family Systems, handling TWDS on various cargo ships over the past year," Styx added.

Cole's eyes lit up with excitement. "GravLiquor, huh? They have some amazing products. There was this amazing tastin' drink they released here for a limited time called 'Bourbon,' came from a place called Kentucky on Old Earth. One of the best drinks I've ever had, especially with some ice or StarCola. Ever come across it, Styx? I'd love to find some more of that."

"GravLiquor did have a range of Old Earth products, and I think I remember hearing about that Bourbon. It was probably a limited edition, as you said. Their biggest Old Earth product is Vodka, though – everyone knows that," Styx stated obviously.   

Natalia chimed in with her soft but yet dismaying voice, "I've seen videos of so many Old Earth foods and drinks that are now extinct. They looked incredible."

Reflecting on the past, Meeko said thoughtfully, "Old Earth was something else, especially at its peak around 2050, just before World War Three, with about 10 billion people on the smaller end of planet sizes. The thought of cities packed with tens of millions is crazy. I always think about like – were we really born on Earth as ancient religions tell, or do our roots align with the Galactic Family's beliefs? But it's probably even just a mix of both. I have no idea and I am not one to say, it might all be down to simple science and biology. The amount of history that happened in just about the past 300 years is weird."

"You always get caught up in history, Meeko. I barely know any of that stuff, thanks to the terrible education system in Rolana. We were taught though I remember that human origin is a scientific matter, originating from Earth. Religion isn't much of a focus here in Hentoxa. But I'm curious, Styx, about the Galactic Family's beliefs. I never paid much attention in school," Cole interjected.

"The Galactic Family believes that humans first appeared on Lanagola, a moon in Galactica. According to our lore, Geo, our god, the first and only human of his time, lived out his life there. Upon his death, it's believed he blessed both Galactica and Earth with humanity. However, even I sometimes question these beliefs, especially since Old Earth's history doesn't mention the Galactic Religion. Our belief holds that Geo made Earth as its own entity, allowing for its unique development," Styx explained, looking happy when he is asked about his beliefs.

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