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Adharav got a cab from the hospital and told the driver his destination, Metalife Research Facility. He was in a different mood right then, he had that aggression that he never possessed. He only thought about the harm that those people of Metalife could do to jewels. More like, he lost his mind in the thoughts of jewels.
Adharv was demanding the driver to go quickly. The driver didn't like Adharv attitude but he ignored that since they consider each customer like their boss. He changed the gear but didn't increase the speed.

As Adharv stood at the entrance to the Metalife Research Facility, he could feel the weight of the unknown pressing upon him. The silence and emptiness around him were eerie, and the absence of security personnel at the entrance only added to the mystery.

Impatient and driven by his determination to find Jewelz, Adharv decided to take matters into his own hands. He couldn't wait for someone to arrive at the checkpoint. His gut feeling told him that time was of the essence.

With a quick glance around to ensure no one was watching, Adharv made a daring decision. He decided to jump over the barricade and proceed further into the facility on foot. He knew it was a risky move, but his concern for Jewelz overpowered his fear.

As he moved past the barricade and ventured into the facility's entrance, Adharv couldn't help but wonder about the strange absence of security. It was as if the facility had been abandoned, which only deepened the sense of foreboding that enveloped him.

As he continued his solitary journey deeper into the Metalife Research Facility, Adharv knew that he was entering dangerous territory. His determination to uncover the truth and find Jewelz burned brighter than ever, even in the face of the unknown.

As Adharv delved further into the Metalife Research Facility, the eerie emptiness of the place only deepened his sense of unease. It was nothing like what he had expected from a highly secure facility. The absence of guards, workers, and any signs of life added to the mystery surrounding the place.

Adharv wondered what the hell happened to this place. He became depressed as he now doesn't have clue about finding jewels. He came here following his intuitions. But something about this place wasn't feeling right. No guards, No workers, and each cabin and room in the place was empty. Adharv starts to think about what might have led to this situation here. He also thought about the place where they could take jewels. At that moment he saw the security camera on the walls. He felt like checking those camera's visuals might provide him with a clue. He walked back to the entrance of the building where he could find the map of the entire facility. He took a photo of the map on his phone and searched for the monitoring room.

With the help of the map, he found the monitoring room. As he thought there was no one and the cameras there were turned off. He looked for the visuals an hour before. While going through those visuals he found the visuals that showed the car entering the facility. At that time there were staff and workers in the building. The cameras were turned off 5 minutes and 39 seconds right after the van reached this place.

Armed with the map he had photographed and the knowledge from the surveillance footage, Adharv knew he needed to unravel the events that had transpired here. The fact that the cameras were turned off shortly after the van arrived hinted at a deliberate attempt to hide something.

Adharv's determination to find Jewelz burned brighter as he ventured deeper into the facility. His intuition, which had guided him this far, told him that Jewelz was close by, somewhere within these walls. He couldn't shake the feeling that she was in grave danger.

Suddenly, the sound of continuous gunfire from a lower floor jolted Adharv into action. His instincts kicked in, and he knew he had to follow that sound, as it could be a vital clue to Jewelz's whereabouts. With each step, he couldn't help but wonder about the dangers that lay ahead, but his unwavering resolve to save her fueled his determination.

As Adharv descended toward the floor where the gunfire had originated, he knew he was stepping into a perilous situation, one that held the key to the truth he so desperately sought.

Adharv entered the lift, a surge of anxiety coursing through him as the biometric recognition system demanded his touch. He cautiously placed his hands on the sensor, praying for it to accept him. Miraculously, his biometrics were recognized, and the lift sprung to life. In that brief moment, he had a strange déjà vu, a vivid recollection of a memory he couldn't quite place, involving that very same sensor and a hand covered in blood.

Shaking off the peculiar sensation, Adharv had no time to dwell on it. His immediate concern was choosing the right floor. In this mysterious facility, he knew there could be secret levels or hidden codes. Trusting his intuition, he decided to utter, "Take me to the floor I frequently visit."

To his astonishment, the lift responded to his request, as if it had understood his cryptic choice. The lift began its descent, taking Adharv to an uncertain destination, and he couldn't help but brace himself for whatever awaited him on this enigmatic floor.

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