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AS IT STANDS to be, the freshman's first class is homeroom, 'to help them get accustomed with the new school' or so they say.

And as she has been proven time and time again, life has it out for her and wishes nothing less than to see her crash and fail as explosive as possible.

So, here Olivia finds herself in an unfamiliar broad windowed classroom overlooking the vast forest surrounding the campus with three all too familiar classmates and one all too familiar (insane) teacher.

Her wild orange-white hair thrown messily back in a ponytail. Beads and strings twined in her coiled locks. Professor Natalie was clad in her usual bright-colored, obnoxious-patterned clothes. Two sizes too large, purple-denim shorts held up by a snakeskin belt over orange and yellow leggings stopping mid calf.

Her legs were unshaven and white polka-dot socks scrunched over her red boots. Her look complete with a long sleeve white corseted shirt and open mosaic blue kimono.

Olivia ponders here she manages to find and purchase her wardrobe. And what terrible souls are allowing her too.

Olivia is sat at a table in the far back left corner of the room, positioned parallel to one of its arch windows.

Some where along in the years she's attended Alexandriea Academy she'd formed some sort of unspoken group among the other young students at her table, Lief and Augustus Driscoll sit directly across from her side by side, and to her right directly in front of the window and its expansive sunlight sat Cassidy Davies, teal hair meticulously combed back and held in place with a headband.

All students at the table clad in their school uniforms, prim and proper—save Lief whose shirt had two buttons undone and hung untucked over his black wrinkled pants, he was missing his blazer, tie more a knot than anything else and a sword on his hip. Because of course he was Lief he never managed to disappoint in looking like he'd never seen an article of clothing a day in his life.

Lief grinned mischievously and leaned on his elbows over the table, speaking something to Cassidy whose face scrunched up in revulsion. Augustus pinched his nose bridge, glasses sliding down his face at the motion. He said something in return, tone dry and riddled with annoyance as it so often is when dealing with his wayward brother.

But Olivia didn't hear. Her attention instead laser focused on the milky haired girl running hurriedly down the hallway, Olivia catching glimpses of her as she passed by the hall's wide windows visible through her classroom's own.

She turned her attention back to the room around her when the girl finally disappeared from sight letting out a breath she didn't realize she was even holding.

Professor Natalie's clap resounded around the room silencing the noise, a large, bright grin on her face. "Alright freshmen! Welcome—"

The professor's words were cut off as the heavy wooden class doors were thrown open and left to slam against the walls with their momentum.

Standing in the doorway, breathing heavily trying to catch her breathe, pale skin flushed pink, and smooth, cloudy locks still impressively yet irritatingly perfectly in place—stood their world's very own main character.

"I'm so sorry I'm late!" Angelica rushed out, over enthusiastically bowing at her waist.

All eyes turned to her in surprise, at her loud entrance and introduction.

Angelica at least had the decency to look sheepish, soft pink eyes glancing around the room cataloging all the attention brought to her person. "S—sorry for interrupting..I just got lost and was so worried about showing up so late!" She said.

The Professor waved her off gathering her bearings rather quickly and smiling broadly, probably basking in the chaos and excitement.

"No no, no worries, it is quite a big school!" She laughed loudly, deep and reverberating. Her eyes zeroed in on Angelica a glint of recognition and unrestrained curiosity reflecting in them.

Professor Natalie grabbed her clipboard off her desk when Angelica shifted awkwardly on her feet, biting a perfect lip, tucking a stray strand behind her ear, once the wait had grown on so long only Natalie was shameless enough to still feel comfortable.

"Now," She said happily, "What is your name, girl?"

"Ah-! Uhm, Angelica Asterias miss." She dropped into a quick, clumsy curtsy—Cassidy snorted beside Olivia—her face graced with a soft smile.

"Ah, yes, here you are, Asterias." Natalie mumbled to herself checking off on her clipboard. Then turning back to the waiting girl with a smile, "There! All set. Go ahead and pick any open seat Miss Angelica."

Angelica nodded and hurriedly searched around the room as the professor resumed her spiel. Olivia suddenly became very hyper aware of the many empty seats at her table fit to seat eight.

She ducked her head down, praying to all that were high and mighty—

"Excuse me?" A soft voice came, "Is this seat taken?"

Olivia's stomach fell, she slowly turned to her left. There she was, in all her glory, Angelica. Standing meekly behind an open seat at her table with a soft smile. She tucked a white strand behind her ear, her pink eyes glimmering in the light.

Olivia heard Cassidy sigh, like the answer was obvious, her arms crossed over her chest haughtily. She opened her mouth, probably to tell her to screw off, but Lief beat her to it.

"Sure! It's just us here." He said, with his bright, stupid, stupid, welcoming grin.

Angelica visibly brightened quickly taking the open seat next to Lief's left.

"I'm Angelica. I've just transferred here from Nestora. It's nice to meet you all." She said happily.

"I'm Lief! I'm training you become a knight, and I know the prince. So, I'm kind of a big deal or whatever." Lief shrugged smugly. "This is my brother Auggie—"


"That's Cassie, she's kind of a prickly but you just got to get to know her." Cassidy cried in disgust at Lief's antics.

Finally, his mischievous grin turned to Olivia, "And that's—"

"Olivia Auclair. The pleasures mine." Olivia nodded in greeting, schooling her expression into something neutrally blank.

Angelica nodded enthusiastically smiling widely as she looked all of them in the eye. "It's wonderful to meet you all! I hope we can become great friends!"

Lief laughed and nodded, engaging in a lighthearted conversation with Angelica. Olivia politely dodged any attempts the group had in trying to include her in their discussions, Cassidy following her and intentionally ignoring the white haired woman.

Angelica seemed uncomfortable at their dismissal biting her bottom lip discreetly, Lief quickly grabbed back her attention waving off their behavior as normal. Olivia and Cassidy were left to their own devices.

Great, this was just her luck. A dreadful feeling washed over her, somehow she doesn't think she'll ever have a quiet school day again.


This chapter is kind of just filler, buuut I was running out of inspiration for it and in turn interest, but it's been so long since I've updated, so this is what you get. I apologize (')

I'll try to pick it up next chapter :>

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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