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42 • Hot Audience

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When I tried calling Dominick on my way home from rehearsal, and the call went straight to voicemail, I told myself that it wasn't because he was mad at me. He was probably still at dress rehearsal, preparing for tomorrow's grand reopening.

Even though my logic was sound, I couldn't shake the feeling that I'd hurt his feelings by sending Kennedy to Gemma's wish, and by accepting this role.

He hated Liberty Ballet and how they treated me, and I wasn't sure he'd be happy that I'd taken on more work without being moved up to principal dancer.

But dancing the Sugarplum Fairy had been my dream since I was a little girl. After years and years of hard work, I was finally happy. 

The smile on my face fell as I bent low to turn on the tap and let the hot water run. After such a long and grueling rehearsal, my lower back ached like it hadn't ached in years, and every muscle in my body felt like concrete.

I'd already taken an ice bath at the studio and did a session with the physical training staff, which were now mandatory parts of my training, but after one day as a principal, I felt less like the Sugarplum Fairy and more like the Tin Man.

I knew I was overworking my body, but this was my chance. If I performed well enough, maybe, just maybe, Celeste might see that I hadn't buckled under the pressure, and I could prove that I was worthy.

While the tub ran, I made a cup of Dadi's tea, breathing in the spicy aroma, and told myself everything would work out just fine. 

It had to.


The next morning, my phone rang while I was still trying to get out of bed, and I answered it without looking, hoping it was Dominick. I needed to hear his reassurance that he wasn't upset at me for bailing on him and Gemma, only it wasn't Dominick on the other end of the line.

"Good morning, handsome," I said, trying to sound sexy and less exhausted. "I missed you last night."

"Good morning to you, too," came the sharp voice of my mother.

I sat straight up in bed. "Mom! It's you!"

"I'm glad to hear you remember who your mother is. I was starting to think you forgot."

I pulled a blanket up to my mouth and let out a string of silent curse words before answering her. "I'm sorry. I've been so busy. Opening night–"

"Yes, I know. I've heard you say the same thing over and over again for the past month. But I know you've been making time to see your new boyfriend."

As if I could feel more guilty. My shoulder slumped and I leaned back against the headboard. "I'm sorry, Mom."

But, as usual, the apology fell on deaf ears. 

"You will come up to the hospital today to speak with your father and I. We have something very important we want to discuss with you."

"Can't you just do it now?" I asked. "I really don't have the time."

"We're on the train. This needs to be discussed in private." 

I knew whatever they wanted to say must be really bad if they wanted to discuss it in private, and honestly, I didn't have the energy to be guilt-tripped or yelled at today.

"I really don't think I can make that work," I explained, which wasn't a lie. "Can I just call you at the hospital when you have a break?"

"No, Tanu. If you can't come to the hospital, we will visit you at Liberty after our shift."

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