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(buckle up 🥲 kinda of a long chapter for me.)


Saylor watched every Victory speech of Katniss and Peeta's.
Saylor was impressed with the braveness of the two.
She saw the way people followed Katniss's lead in District 11.
It gave her hope for the future.


"She's not who they think she is. She's not a leader.
She just wants to save her own skin. It's as simple as that." Plutarch, The new game maker, spoke.
"I think that's true. But she's become a beacon of hope for the rebellion. And she has to be eliminated"
President Snow replied.
"I agree she should die. But in the right way. At the right time. It's moves and countermoves. That's all we gotta look at. Katniss Everdeen is a symbol.
Their Mockingjay. They think she's one of them.
We need to show that she's one of us. We don't need to destroy her. Just the image. Then we let the people do the rest." Plutarch explains. President Snow thinks for a second then nods
"What do you propose?" He asked,

"Shut down the black markets. Take away what little they have. Then double the amount of floggings and executions. Put them on TV. Broadcast them live.
Sow fear. More fear."

"It won't work. Fear does not work as long as they have hope. And Katniss Everdeen is giving them hope." President Snow reminds him.

"She's engaged. Make everything about that.
What kind of dress is she gonna wear? Floggings.
What's the cake gonna look like? Executions.
Who's gonna be there? Fear. Blanket coverage.
Shove it in their faces. Show them that she is one of us now. They're gonna hate her so much they might just kill her for you." The Game maker desperately explains. He needed President Snow to trust him.
"Brilliant..." President Snow smiles. Heavensbee relaxs in relief and then leaves the room.

"What do you think?" President Snow asked the other man in the room. "I think it sounds like a good plan." The man responds.
"Hm... Did you come up with ideas for the quarter quail, Like I asked?" The President asked. "I did." The man replies.


Saylor was strumming her guitar under a tree a little bit away from the beach. Sejanus was also there with her. He was sitting a few feet behind her. Saylor was waiting for Coriolanus to get back from the Capitol and Sejanus was on duty. But she was pretty sure even if he wasn't he would still hang out with her."Saylor..."
"Hm...?" Saylor hums in response. Sejanus walked in front of her and sat down. "I need you to be careful. I know he's your boyfriend. But I have known him since high school. And sometimes he gets his priorities wrong." Saylor puts her guitar down. "What are you talking about?" She asked confused.
"I just don't want you getting hurt. Don't get me wrong Coriolanus is a good guy. But just be careful ok?"He tells her, "OK... I will." Maybe Sejanus is paranoid about the different rebellion stuff going on. But when it came down to it I'm sure Corio would pick the right side...

"Saylor... Listen to me." He whispered to her and got closer. "I don't know what's going to happen. But when it comes down to it. I am on your side." He whispered. What is he talking about? Saylor gave him a confused look. Before she could give him a response she saw Coriolanus.

Saylor immediately got up and ran over to him, Jumping in his arms."mhh... I've missed you." He said while taking in her scent.
"I've missed you too." She replies and he puts her back on the ground. "Thanks for taking care of my girl." He tells Sejanus then pats him on the shoulder. "Of course..." Sejanus says then starts to walk off. "Sejanus!" Saylor calls out to him and he turns around. "Thank you." She tells him and he gives her a smile and nods.

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