Chapter 6

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I lay there for a while to catch my breath before getting up and cleaning myself up.

I lay in the dark for a while wondering where my life was going to go from here. I've got no real goals that I want to achieve. Before it was all "I have to get away from this awful job" then it was all "crap I've got to get a job" and then it was "I've got to fit in and find my place in this new job". Now I'm stuck being at the beck and call of a more-likely-than-not sadist.

Sasha recently started seeing a guy, Daniel, she met at her local coffee shop. It was a pretty fairy tale meeting really; he'd run after her down the street and she left her phone at her table. She thought he was shifty and smacked him in defence when he caught up with her. When she realised what he was really doing she was really embarrassed and bought him a coffee to apologise.

They started dating a couple of months after realising they both felt something more than friendship. I'm happy for her, I really am...but seeing her so happy with someone makes me realise how lonely I am.

The only family I'm on good terms with is Mum and she's on the other side of the world and my only really close friend is Sasha. But I wanted someone who I could rely on and someone who could protect me when I felt cold and alone. Someone to wrap their arms around me and whisper 'It's okay, don't worry' when I'm panicking or scared.

I felt a tear slip down my face which was followed by a series of ugly sobs. Why do I feel lost? Why does everyone else have their life figured out? Why am I the only one who doesn't have someone who would love them unconditionally? Why does Ackerman hate me so much? What did I ever do to him? I punched my pillow pretending it was his face. His stupid, annoying, good-looking face.

Okay, I fucking admit it. I might like him. Why? I don't know. He has not done a single thing to deserve my feelings and yet...and yet...

I haven't really had a proper relationship before so I didn't know what it felt like. I thought of Sasha. She had had a couple of relationships but none of them had really worked out. She hasn't said anything but I could tell that Daniel was different. The way she looks at him you can tell she already has their whole future planned out in her head. I even caught her muttering to herself, testing to see how Daniel's last name sounded with her name. She had previous experience from past relationships so I'm sure that helped. Me? I'm on the verge of my mid-twenties and I've never kissed anyone let alone slept with them.

I groaned and wondered how I ended up here. Did I do something wrong? I've never thought of myself as ugly but guys seemed to avoid me like the plague. I thought about the guy that started in my office last week. He was quite cute and after a couple of days of making eye contact and looking away flirtingly, he even offered to make me a coffee yesterday morning.

"Oh my God! He totally likes you! He's a total step up from the last guy who hit on you." Sasha squealed.

"Right?!" I said excitedly before pausing and saying, "Well to be fair, anyone's a step up from an elderly homeless man offering to show me the stars if I spent the night with him. Oh my God, that was hil-Oh shut up he's coming back," I hissed, threatening her with my eyes to get her to stop giggling.

I chuckled remembering that. Then for some reason, he did a complete 180 this morning and completely blew me off. I offered to make him a coffee in return for one he made the previous day and he quickly said, "Uh no, sorry" before running off to his desk.

"Sorry" for what exactly? What had he done? Or more to the point what had I done?

I told Sasha about it on our lunch break and we spent the next 20 minutes trash-talking him.

Literally the only male attention I was getting was from someone who seemed to enjoy watching me suffer.

Basically a sadist.

I was so done with this. I needed to get out of this situation and take the first step so I texted the only person who is good at this sort of stuff.

Sash, u up?


watcha doing?

Nothing really lol.

I was wondering if you knew anyone who'd be willing to go on a date with me.

I'm so tired of the single life.

but you've never really shown much interest in that sort of thing

what's with the sudden interest

the need for happiness,

After spending the next 15 minutes convincing her that what I said was a hyperbole (kind of) and I wasn't on the verge of doing something stupid, she managed to get me a date with one of her friend's friend and he was willing to meet tomorrow night to go out for dinner. She gave me his contact info and he and I sorted out the plans. He offered to take me to a fancy restaurant and that he would pay for everything. I protested at the "everything" part but he insisted.

I went to sleep that night actually excited as I looked forward to my first date in a long long while. 

Levi x Reader Fanfic "What It's Like To Work for You"  (Mature content warning)Where stories live. Discover now