Side Effects

25 7 0

September 7, 2026

Fenwick stood in the middle of the packed room, with a bubbling glass of champagne in his hand. Where was all of this alcohol coming from?

"Everyone," he addressed, slowly taking in the slightly unruly crowds' faces. Achievement captured his wrinkled features, but there was a coldness to his eyes. One that I now think about, has always been there.

A tall woman with brown hair bumped against my shoulder, as she tried to get a better view. Fenwick was like a ghost story to most, hardly ever leaving the labs. He didn't even leave to sleep, he must have a room somewhere within the sector.

"Today is a monumental day. One that will forever be etched into the history books. All the blood, sweat, and tears we have all shed to get to this point, has purpose now," He turned, his eyes locking with mine. "I want to thank you all, for giving me the opportunity to see my work take effect in a new tomorrow. To Florence Morrigan for making this old man's pipe dream achievable," he raised his glass into the air, with a smile. A smile that sent a shiver down my spine. Due to the nefarious undertones glistening in his rather devoid eyes.

Clapping and hollering erupted throughout the cafeteria, accelerating my heart rate further as I gawked at Fenick. The clapping died down, as everyone returned to their partying.

"Miss Morrigan, a word please," Fenwick approached, the smug smile still scrawled along his lips.

I nodded, following him past the now drunken bodies moving about on the concrete floor. A symphony of gratitude was purged onto us as we parted through the residents. He led me out into the hallway, closing the cafeteria door behind him.

The cool air nipped against my skin, without the swarm of bodies around me the warmth completely vanished. I folded my arms over my chest to combat the temperature shift. The dim light above us flickered, casting an ominous glow throughout Fenwick's features. Heightening the bodeful pit in my stomach.

"Marvelous, isn't it," he breathed, taking a sip from his glass.

"Yeah it is," I dryly responded, feeling on edge in his presence.

"I have an offer to extend to you," his demeanor transformed to a serious one, cutting straight to the point. "I would like you to accompany us to Compound A, for the distribution there."

"When?" I questioned.

"We are leaving tonight after the celebration. We want to make this prompt. Every second could be a life lost to the infection." Fenwick narrowed his eyes on mine, "You could reap the benefits of being the first celebrity of the apocalypse. The woman who saved humanity. This is a one time offer, not to be repeated."

"I'd prefer to just be Florence," I stated in a wry tone. Despite the honesty of my answer, I could think of nothing worse than traveling with Fenwick. Especially with the off vibe he exuberates.

"What a shame," he shook his head, his eyes yielding to the concrete floor. "A shame it will play out this way."

"What way?" I cocked my head at him. Shivering, but not due to the cool temperature.

"You will see in due time, and will regret this fallacious decision" he placed a hand on my shoulder before strolling off into the long hallway.

I stood paralyzed by Fenwick's words. What could he possibly mean by that? Why would I regret staying? A bald man busted through the door, tightly holding his hand over his mouth. He leaned against the wall for support, swaying as he did. I gagged as vomit spewed from his mouth all over the wall and floor. I suppose he's had too much to drink, like many others inside.

I scrunched up my nose, pushing the cafeteria door open. I maneuver through the mob in search of Ezra, contemplating ruining his joy with my concerns. My gaze landed on him, laughing alongside a couple other guards. I found myself smiling watching him. Ruining his mood with my possibly imagined worries felt selfish, staring at him enjoying himself. It can wait until tomorrow.

His eyes caught mine before he spoke something to the group, and made his way over to me. I snatched his fresh beer from his hand, bringing it to my lips. A smirk snaked its way across his face before he leaned in against my ear, "You know we could go finish what we started this morning." Heat fluttered throughout my cheeks at his words, sparking a sharp yearning at my core. I grabbed his hand, leading him towards the door.

"Wait a minute," he breathed, leaning against the hallway wall. I tilted my head at him, before he dry-heaved. "Bathroom, I need a bathroom," he murmured, taking off towards the bathroom.

I followed after him, ignoring the men's sign. Slipping through the creaky wooden door. Ezra was knelt over the unenclosed metal toilet, his head angled over the bowl. Sweat was running down his pale face. He raised one hand up at me, "No, I don't want you to see me throwing up," he said before dry-heaving again.

I sat against the floor, beside him. Keeping my back to the toilet as I ran my hand over his back, "I won't watch, but I'm not leaving."

His eyes met mine, holding a softness before he dry-heaved yet again. I faced the concrete wall, soothingly rubbing his back. "Too much to drink?" I questioned.

"I only had two," he retorted, his voice echoing in the toilet bowl.

I grimaced as I heard him finally puke. "Maybe they were expired, or something," I tried to rationalize his sickness, despite me not being sick.

He puked three more times, before sitting back against the concrete. He ran his hand through his unkempt sweaty brown hair. I placed my hand on his arm, "How are you feeling now?"

He just shook his head. I ran my hand across his face, only to realize he was hot. Too hot, like fever hot. "You are burning up," I said, moving my hand to his forehead.

"It's probably the vaccine," he looked up at me. "When my mom got a flu shot, she got sick almost like she had the flu." Side effects of the vaccine, of course. I had completely forgotten about the possibility of those.

"Come on, brush your teeth, and we will get you to bed. Hopefully you can sleep whatever this is off," I said while fixing his messy hair.

"The answer was yes," he whispered.

Confusion spread throughout me, before remembering our conversation yesterday. I smiled at him, placing a kiss on his forehead. "I know," I stood, holding my hands out to help him up.

We ended up back in my room after we had both brushed our teeth and gotten ready for bed. "Do you need anything?" I questioned, leaning against his side of the bed. My eyes watching him shiver under the blanket.

"Only you," he replied, grabbing my arm.

I smiled before crawling in on the opposite side. His arm curled around my waist, pulling me closer to him. "I love you," he breathed against my ear.

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