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SRIYA POV : I woke up and followed my morning routine . My mom and dad were getting ready to go to Delhi for diya's match.

My mom don't want me to stay alone in the house . So she told me to go to Ajay uncle house . I agreed and packed my belongings for tomorrow's event.

My mom and dad dropped me in my uncle's house and they went to airport.

My cousin Vidya came running towards me and she welcomed me with a hug . Sharmila aunty twisted Vidya's ear saying " will you let my daughter breathe for a second ".

Vidya screamed in pain " ahhhh mom I'm your daughter I know you love sriya akka ( sister ) but I also love my sister please show mercy on your daughter too" .

Ufffff my aunty and my cousin are so adorable they love me so much . My aunty let Vidya go and she too welcomed me with a warm hug .

We went inside the house and I saw Ajay uncle is not present. I enquired Vidya about uncle . She told me dad is quite stressed these days he is not coming home sometimes.

I felt something is wrong , dad too worried about it. He said Ajay uncle did some fraud . But why would uncle do that ? I hope everything goes well .

Later my aunty prepared my favourite
Sweet Pongal dish for me . It is made of rice and jaggery. I really enjoy my aunty's cooking.

I asked my aunt " is everything going good ".

She said with smiling face " nothing is going wrong beta everything is fine , It's just your uncle is taking so much work load and not coming to home " .

I guess aunt is not hiding anything or she doesn't know what is happening. Maybe I shouldn't take stress about this .

Later at night me and my cousin watched a horror movie , we both chit chatted for a long time and we both don't know when we fall a sleep.

But I was awakened by a strange dream

DREAM : I was in a garden full of Juliet roses .I am enjoying the scent smell of them , I feel so peace at looking them .
I was making a bouquet from it but suddenly I saw the man who always there in my fantasy world . He was approaching me in slow steps . Seeing him my cheeks turn red . I was blushing .
I thought to give him the bouquet and propose to him but when he touched the bouquet everything became dark , the roses dried . I was scared . I throwed the bouquet and was about to run but he caught my hand , grabbed me towards him . I was hit by his hard chest , I was shivering by his mere touch ,he lifted my chin and came closer near to my ear and said " you're gonna pay for it sweetheart".

This shook me and I woke up .

I was sweating badly and scared.
I looked around and I realised it's just a dream . I drank some water and went to open the windows .

The cool breeze hit me and made me calm down . I never thought my dream boy would be so scary I thought.

I sat near the window for sometime , then I saw a guy who wear a suit and boots was looking around the house . Then I also saw he is not alone he is with another guy and with same attire. I can't see their faces clearly due to the darkness. They saw me and tried to hide . I want to tell everyone but at the same time I don't wanna disturb them .

I went down alone holding a knife & a pepper spray . I searched all around and informed the security guard to check . I heard LEO barking . ( LEO is Vidya's pet )

I removed chain of it and followed the direction it went and I found the thief .
He tried to put kerchief with chloroform on me and the other tried to hold me .

Leo quickly attacked on both of them .
Ofcourse it will never miss it's target .
It's a German shepherd and It got a very good training.

They made me fall on the ground and I quickly opened my pepper spray and sprayed on them . They are screaming in pain .

I called the security guards and I kicked both of them to fall on the ground but they are too strong . I tried to remove their masks but they pushed me aside .

My guards came running and all of a sudden smoke covered everything and I can't see anything coz they used a smoke bomb and they escaped.

I informed the guards not to tell anyone anything. I called the chief security guard and commanded to increase the security and check the cctv .

We can't see their faces clearly coz they wore a mask . I made a copy of cctv and erased it so , that aunty don't get worried.

I tried to call Ajay uncle but he is not lifting my calls . Now I am literally so worried.

I heard my aunty's voice . She is awake and searching for me . I told the security to guard around the house and I was about to go inside my aunt opened the door. I felt she was worried and seeing me she felt relieved.

She scolded me for coming out at this night . I can see she got worried when she didn't found me in my room. I know my aunt always check on us coz sometimes I and Vidya won't sleep whole night .

She took me in and asked the reason for coming out at this hour . I told her " I had a bad dream and I can't sleep. I just needed some fresh air so I came out " .

My aunt patted my back saying " don't think too much , and don't watch horror movies late at night. Just go to your room and sleep tight . Tomorrow is an important day for you ".

I just smiled and went back to my room .
I can see Vidya was sleeping peacefully.
I sat beside her but I can't sleep .

I recalled everything and I thought are they thieves ? Or kidnappers ? Do they want to kidnap me or Vidya ?
I saw both of them had guns but they didn't use to defend themselves.
What do they want ? Who are they ?
Are they enemies of uncle ?

I can't tell anyone about it now . I want to say dad but he will come here as fast as he could but this could make diya and mom worried .

Thinking all this I can't sleep and I constantly looking out from the window.
I just wished everyone would be safe and sound .

I wanna tell dad everything after diya's match . So I thought to wait until her match ends .

For now I increased the security and made sure they won't leave aunt and Vidya alone . Vidya is trained in taekwondo so, I guess I shouldn't think too much .

"People suffer much in their imagination than in reality"

I remembered this quote and tried to sleep.

RUHAAN POV : I kept my man outside of that Ajay's house and told to abduct his daughter who is in the photo with him .
They guarded all day and night at their house .

Then I got a call at early morning 4 am
One of my man said "we are sorry boss the girl defeated our guards and we failed to abduct her ".

I closed my eyes for a second to control my anger and I told to them to make themselves alright coz I'm gonna come to Hyderabad to abduct her and I cut the call .

" Ya it's always the dulha ( groom ) comes to takes his dulhan ( bride ) with bharaat , This is going to be the best bharaat you never gonna forget sweetheart ". I thought to myself with a smirk .

I got ready and I called my manager to make marriage arrangements in my private island and I warned him not to tell anyone about this not even my family .

I took my private jet and within 2 hours I landed on Hyderabad. My guards made all the arrangements for me .

Now I'm excited to see my dulhan in real and I can't wait to see her .
" Just wait sweetheart you gonna get a huge surprise of your life " . I said to myself and chuckled with a smirk .



So , I hope you guys liked this story.

Thankyou for reading

Love you all ❤️

Bye 👋🏻

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