chapter 1

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Darkness, blood, pain was all he could fell and see he gasped as he sat up from his bed breathing heavily turning to his night stand he grabbed his pills threw it into his mouth swallowing without water .....

He got up from his bed and walked into his  bathroom..... After taking his shower ...he wore his clothes and left the room running downstairs

His aunt was already in the kitchen Drinking on her glass on wine as usual with a cigarette on her finger's

  I live with my aunt and her son after my dad died and my mum ran way she took me in ....but she never really liked me neither did her son maybe because he was skinny and couldn't possibly do the hard jobs around the house ......

Are you just going to stand there and look like a dummy go get jack's cloths from his room and come down here to do the laundry...

Jack was her son 24 years old his not very nice he beats me up at the slightest chance he gets

Are you still standing there go do the laundry and then come back to go get groceries ...

Yes ma'am ....he quickly ran upstairs to jacks room all his life he had lived here he was specifically told not to go into jack's room unless being told but he always thought why? What does he do in his room? But his inquisitive thought got the best of him he wanted to find out and he did guns and all kinds of weapons hidden in different locations of his room but those weren't his concern he sometimes sneak in here most times use his computer and trust me you guy do not want to know the things I watched in there .......

On this particular night both his aunt and jack where out and he sneaked in to use his computer .......he watched alot of things a particular video caught his eye it was a porno video where the woman was fucking the man's ass with a strap-on on she was dominanting him in bed and that's when be knew that was the kind of woman he wanted a dom and he would be the sub....

as he approached jacks room he couldn't help but hear moaning and groaning from his room he slightly pushed the door open ....and there he was jack sat on his gaming chair masturbating okay ewwww that's gross

He looked up to his computer and his breathing paused it's was a picture of a lady in bikini not just any lady this lady was beautiful she had long dark here and light brown skin her plump lips her boobs was round as a ball .....

Fuck he looked down at his pants a tent had already formed down there.....what's this feeling he had never felt this way before truly all the girls he had meet always looked at him weirdly some even thought he was gay and just shoved him away...

He calmed himself down and pushed the door open

Umm a_aut_aunt said to take your laundry

Jack quickly tucked his dick back in his pants and stood up ...... what the fuck couldn't you knock are you fucking stupid

A_am s_sorry I knocked but you where too busy playing with your little thing down there ......fuck maybe he shouldn't have added 'little' he cursed in his head.... jack was someone who loved his pride very much and wouldn't let a single stain on it

The fuck did you just say he said sending a punch directly to his stomach ......he dropped to the floor groaning in painfully

Get the clothes and get out ....

He wasn't needed to be told twice

After rushing out of the room he took his aunt's cloths and did their laundry he too had to do his laundry but he didn't dare wash his clothes with theirs together the last time he did he was burnt with a hot iron on his back

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