49. World Champion

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It's the last race of the season. Today we will know if Charles wins the world championship.

I jump into a long red dress with long sleeves. My baby bump is shining in it. I put on some gold jewelry. I'm so excited but also nervous but I'm sure he's gonna make it.

We walk into the paddock. A lot of TV cameras and paparazzi follow us as we enter it. They're talking about the battle which is going to happen today. Charles smiles and waves into the cameras while I hold is hand smiling.

E: I think I'm more nervous than you.

C: At least they stopped talking about how fake our marriage is.

He kisses me gently as we arrive at the Ferrari hospitality. The news went more than insane the last couple of days. They didn't stop talking about it. We didn't release a statement and hope it's gonna end soon. Maybe today is the day.

E: Let's not care about it today.

C: Yes. I have to go to the briefing. I think Isa and Kika are somewhere around here.

I nod before he kisses me goodbye. I walk away, but not to look for the girls. I go over to the entrance and wait there for a couple of minutes.

A blonde tall man is walking over and hugs me tight to say hello.

Simon: Hello little sister, good to see you.

I smile happy, seeing my parents and Madeline with the kids behind him. I thought it's a good surprise and support for Charles if my family is coming to his most important race of the season. They never came expect Simon. I'm glad they came.

E: I'm so happy you're here. Charles doesn't know yet.

KG: It's good for us to show them we're on big family after the news.

E: I know, that's why I'm very glad you followed my invitation. Charles needs your support.

Liam: Auntie Betty!

Liam pulls onto my dress to show me he wants to get picked up. I smile as I lift him up. He's sits on my hip clapping happily around.

E: Oh how I missed you, little man.

L: Is uncle Charles driving this car?

He points to some Forumla 1 cars in the garage.

E: Yes, should we go over to surprise him?

He nods and we all make our way to the Ferrari garage. Also Charles family is here today. We all meet and wait for Charles to come back from his post-race briefing.

Anna: Uncle Charles!

She runs towards him as soon as she sees him. I let Liam down so he can also run over. Charles looks surprised and picks both of them up.

C: Hey, what are you doing here?

He sees my parents and Simon and Madeline as well. He shakes his head surprised.

C: You're all here? Wow.

My Dad walks over to him. Charles lets down Liam and Anna so my Dad can put his hand on his shoulder.

KG: You'll always have our back, Charles, even tho things mind get hard. So time for you to go and win this world championship.

C: Thank you George. Thank you so much.

I look to Simon who gives me a wink. I nod smiling. When I look over to Lorenzo I can also see him being happy and proud of the brother.

The race is about to start after a couple of more chats together. Charles gives me a kiss on my baby bump after I wish him good luck. He leaves to go to his car. Anna and Liam are going with their nanny, as we all support Charles in the garage.

SKY NEWS: The whole royal family of Monaco is here today. We can see that Princess Elisabeth and Charles are truly in love.

The lights are out and the final race of the season begun.

S: Win this Charles!

Simon and everyone else cheers for him. I put my hand on my belly.

E: If they keep going like this, I'll give birth.

I joke around because I'm so excited. Isa joins us as well and is next to me holding my other hand.

I: Guess they just don't want a boring race.

Max and Charles are wheel on wheel and chasing each other in every corner. Once it's Charles who's taking the lead, three seconds later it's Max. It's so thrilling that I need to sit down.

For the last lap I jump up and cross my fingers.

E: C'mon baby, you can do it!

I take Isas hand in one hand and Arthur's in the other hand. We are all very excited and can't wait until he crosses the line. He's still behind Max but there is one more corner to go.

SKY: Charles Leclerc finishes first and is our new World Champion!!

We all jump up and down and hugs us happy. I can't believe it! He really did it! Arthur runs with Charles team to the fence. I go over to Mattia. He hands my some headphones.

C: We did it guys, woho!!

I can hear him celebrating. Mattia gives me a nod.

E: Yes, Yes, Yes! Congratulation world champion! We're so proud of you!

C. This is crazy! We did it! Omg, I'm so happy, princess! I love you!

I smile and take a deep breath, looking around nervously.

E: Your baby girl loves you too.

C: I'm just so happy! Woah, stop! What did you say?

I laugh as he didn't realize it first. I repeat my words and put the focus on the girl.

C: No way! I'm gonna be a girls dad?!

E: I love you!

I put the headphones to the side, and go to his team who's waiting for Charles to return. He  gets out of the car and stands on top of it. He raises his arms cheerful and screams happy. He jumps down and runs towards us. Charles looks for me to hug me first.

C: I love you princess!

E: I love you too, world champion!

I kiss him on his helmet before he goes over to his team mates and jumps into the crowd. I take some steps away to make sure our baby is okay. I can't be in the crowd. They're celebrating too much for me but deserved for them.

He runs back to me to kiss me another time before he walks over to the post-race interview.

F1: Charles Leclerc, Prince Charles of Monaco, you've become world champion!

He has the biggest smile on his face. I've not even see that one on our wedding. Cheeky.

C: Yes, wow, I still can't believe it. I'm so happy! Just wow.

I look at him proud and happy. We wait for the podium celebration. Charles gets up to and can't take his eyes of me. He doesn't stop it. He celebrates with Max and Checo on the podium. I've never feel more proud than today.

After the celebration I wait for Charles in the paddock. I see him arm und arm with Mattia.

Mattia: I'm so happy, Charles! Thank you.

Charles looks up and sees me. He puts his arm around me after he kissed me.

C: Well, I wouldn't have made it without Elisabeth.

We say goodbye to Mattia and I kiss him again. My world champion.

C: Baby girl, huh?

I nod smiling and excited. He lifts me up and spins me around happily. My family comes over a few minutes later to congrats him as well. Well always be a supportive family.


SKY: What a race we just saw. We're very happy to see how supportive the royal family is for Charles and I think we all can't wait to meet the little princess. We're sure she's becoming the new beloved paddock princess.

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