Chapter 20 - Lilibet of Sussex

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In England, Princess Helena was taking her classes online because of Covid-19, which is devastating both the United Kingdom and the whole world, so in 2019 the British government ordered the closure of restaurants bars cafes libraries theaters schools universities everything, only those who worked for the government and corporations had to wear a mask and social distance of 4 meters. Some family members made visits to English cities and charities. On the other side of the Atlantic, the Earls of Sussex were finalizing preparations for the birth of their daughter.

On May 29, the Earls of Sussex telephoned the Queen's Private Secretary, who answered and told the Queen that the Earls wanted to talk to the Queen and Prince Philip.


Harry+Meghan: Good morning Your Majesty.

Queen: Harry Meghan.

Philip: Good morning to you both. What do you both want?

Harry: Well, we wanted to know how you're getting on.

Queen: Well, your grandfather and I are fine, we're at Windsor Castle, we've had our vaccinations and we're fine. And you?

Harry: We're fine here, Archie is growing up and he's very excited to see his new sister or brother.

Meghan: My mother is also with us, everyone in the house is fine, sometimes we walk around the estate, we do yoga, we watch movies, documentaries, read books and, of course, we chat with our friends on Zoom.

Philip: And have you all been vaccinated?

Harry: Yes, everyone in the house has been vaccinated, first Doria, then us and finally Archie.

Queen: So when is the baby due to be born?

Meghan: It's due next week.

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